Saturday, August 31, 2024

Mrs. HM's Good Deed Is Punished Once Again

Do not doubt the idioms, people! Mrs. HM is living proof that there is underlying truth in sayings that you might take for granted. For example, "No good deed goes unpunished."

Friday evening, before Farmer H deigned to return home after his Friday afternoon bull session, I looked on the DISH guide to see if there were any movies Farmer H might enjoy. I found three: Stripes, Ghostbusters, and Rudy. Yes, he's seen them all before. As with every weekend night, I still look for movies that might interest Farmer H.

After he took a dip in POOLIO, and took a shower, and walked through the living room, I shared my finds. Telling him the titles of all three movies, and that they all started at 7:00. Farmer H replied that Stripes was the one he would watch. So I told him the DISH channel to find it.

"It's up around 242, where you watch your Yellowstone series. I think it's on 239."

Five minutes later, Farmer H was complaining from his recliner in the living room, where he was waiting to eat his supper of fried chicken and two pieces of garlic cheese bread that I was preparing, that he could not find his movie.

"It's not on. I went from 259 to 230, and it's not there."

"At 7:00? Yes, it is."

"I'm telling you, I looked and it's not on!"

"What are you doing at 259? I told you it was on 239."

"I'm watching a show there. You don't have to make a big deal!"

"I'm not. I found movies for you, and told you the channel."

"It's not there!"

"Look on 239, like I said. At 7:00."

"Oh. It's there now."

"Just like I told you."

"You always have to make such a big deal about it!"

"Excuse me for trying to find a movie for you. I won't do it again."

"There you go! Always making a big deal!"

"No. I try to do something for you, and you can't hear, and rather than saying you can't hear, you pretend, and then blame me when something is wrong."

For sure. No good deed goes unpunished.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I can totally relate! You should have heard the phone conversation I had with the NP that saw HeWho on that fateful day he proclaimed he would NOT have a CT and would just learn to live with the pain. He was concerned that the patient refused the CT. I told him not to worry, I am a nurse and completely able to bully the man, should I need to. I also told him that some people have a very low threshold for pain, that the patient is one of them. I did not mention hypocondriac, but .......

River said...

I'm a bit meaner than you, if he couldn't find it by doing the right thing I would have let him go without. Stripes is one of my favourite movies. I love the parade ground scene.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's because they KNOW EVERYTHING! Whatever we say is just a random suggestion that they don't need to hear. Even if they COULD hear!

Hillbilly Mom said...

To teach Farmer H a lesson, I DID NOT look up any movies for him tonight. I also made it a point to tell him that I did not, so there was one less thing for him to yell at me about. He ended up watching Gunsmoke reruns, and went to bed at 8:00.

Stripes is okay. You can't go wrong with Bill Murray and John Candy. I like the musical score, too.