Thursday, August 1, 2024

Like A Shaft Of Light Breaking Through The Clouds


Sure, it's 2:13 on Wednesday afternoon, and he could still change plans by 6:00 p.m. But it's a sign of hope! Even that he PLANS to go to bingo tonight! It's been over a month! Maybe longer! Sweet, sweet solitude for a few hours this evening! No supper to prepare for him!

I think there was a falling-out with Farmer H and his bingo buddies. Not in the beginning, when he first stopped going. He was just bored with not very good prizes at the newer place, and the crowd at the old place. But then he began to speak unfavorably about his cronies. Just to me. But still. Something was up. 

THEN Farmer H mentioned a few days ago that his main cook buddy at the Senior Center hadn't been speaking to him. He couldn't think of anything he might have said to make her mad, other than having a discussion of how much he paid at the pharmacy for one of his medicines, and her saying she never has to pay that much, and another lady taking Farmer H's side.

Tuesday evening, when he was already working on POOLIO, the Another Lady sent him a text saying Old Crony wanted her to ask Farmer H to come to bingo. Well. Farmer H was already busy, with no time to get cleaned up. So he agreed to go on Wednesday night.

Another Lady said Old Crony thought Farmer H was mad at her, for something that happened when he grilled at the Senior Center for July 4th. She had wanted to go inside for their bingo, in the A/C, but Farmer H and the elderlies wanted to stay outside.

Who knows what their beef was about! It might be an interesting evening. I'll try to get the scoop on it when Farmer H gets home.


River said...

I hope all grievances, real or imagined, get sorted out so he can go back to his Bingo days and evenings.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes. I still haven't heard the details from bingo night. It's been a busy day. I'll get to the bottom of this!