Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Farmer H Sees The Light

On Monday, I picked up a few items for my Christmas Dinner preparations. I couldn't get it all, because I don't have a complete list yet, but mainly because I knew I didn't have room in T-Hoe's rear for too much stuff. It's filled with about 10 six-packs of Farmer H's Diet Mountain Dew. I get it when it's on sale, and he only brings in a couple six-packs at a time.

When I came out of 10Box and hit the clicker to open the rear hatch, I heard a terrible noise! Like a POP or a CLICK. Something that I shouldn't hear. Sweet Gummi Mary! That's the last thing I needed! I could probably stuff the groceries on the passenger seat and floor, and some in the back seats. But I sure didn't want to drive home with T-Hoe's hatch flapping open, dropping Diet Mountain Dew along the countryside.

I didn't know what to look at as the source of the noise. In my mind, I thought it might be something wrong with the hydraulic thingies that lift the hatch. One went bad before, and I had to manually lift up that hatch, and balance it on my head (!) while trying to put anything in or take out. Then Farmer H gave me an old crutch to prop it. He's a peach, that Farmer H.

Anyhoo... when I got home, Farmer H was at least there for once, to help carry in groceries. As he was walking through the garage, I pushed the button to open the hatch.

"Hear that??? It just started. In town, and now. I don't know what's wrong with it. I haven't opened it in a while. I'd been putting stuff on the passenger seat because it's easier to get to when I have to carry it in."

"Huh. Here it is." Farmer H was looking at his palm. "It's a light bulb. I had them put a new bulb in the tail light when I had your car worked on. Looks like they just laid down a bulb, and it rolled over into the latch area."

What in the Not-Heaven??? Is that even possible? It was just tight enough to make that sound, without breaking, and without impeding the operation of the latch.

I never would have seen that.


River said...

I'm so glad it was just a loose lightbulb that never should have been left there, and not something drastic that needs a costly fixing.

River said...

P.S. I think Farmer H should take all that diet Mountain Dew out of T-Hoe so there is room for the groceries.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sweet Gummi Mary! When I opened the hatch again, the noise was STILL THERE! So Farmer H might have found a light bulb, but it wasn't the cause of the noise. They probably sabotaged something for repeat business, heh, heh!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Then he will stack it around the kitchen table. I'm not sure which is worse.