The charade continues. Farmer H is still spouting his creative excuses. He came in Tuesday afternoon, took off his coat, and reached into a plastic bag sitting on his chair at the kitchen table. I saw a handful of taffy pieces grasped in his soon-to-be sticky fingers.
"Huh. How are your customers enjoying that taffy you bought to hand out?"
"I don't know. I ain't took it down there to give out yet."
"I know. You keep eating it."
"No. HERE'S the taffy I bought for them." He lifted a plastic bag sitting on the kitchen chair by the door. Put it down. Motioned to the bag on HIS kitchen chair. "This is the taffy I bought for ME yesterday. Because I like it."
Okay. Let the record show that Farmer H is not (now) eating the taffy he bought for his customers. He's eating his own taffy. I'm pretty sure its effect on his health will be the same.
He is like my mum, who also had diabetes, but ate whatever she liked because "the medicine" was taking care of her. Then she got the bowel cancer....😢 I hope that doesn't happen for Farmer H. Of course the diabetes had nothing to do with the cancer, that was just bad luck.
Yes, that seems to be Farmer H's attitude. With his medicine, his A1C is okay, so he sees no reason to make wiser choices with his food. He has had a colonoscopy as recommended by his nurse practitioner, and it was fine.
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