Friday, January 31, 2025

Not Much To Tell

Mrs. HM is pretty much miserable with her recently Farmer-H-supplied sickness. This is Thursday, Day 3 for me. Farmer H is on Day 7. Oh, he's fairly chipper on his steroids, which he calls a Z-Pack. I told him that's an antibiotic. Zithromycin. The antibiotics often end in "cin," and the steroids often end in "one."

"They gave me Dexamethasone when I was in the hospital with pneumonia. That was my steroid."

"It's a Z-Pack! I take a few pills the first time, and less the second time, and so on."

"That can happen with steroids, too."

"I don't know what it is! It has a big long name on the cardboard pack."

"If the NP said it was a steroid, then it's not a Z-Pack. That's all I'm saying. You should probably pay more attention to your medications."

Also, Old Buddy called Farmer H Wednesday morning saying he was sick and couldn't work. Thursday  he called and wanted to know which urgent care Farmer H went to. 
"See? You gave it to OLD BUDDY too!!!"

"No I didn't. If anything, Old Buddy gave it to ME!"

"How is that possible when you got it Friday, and he got it Wednesday after that? Heh, heh! Now The Pony has it! I blame you for that, too!"

"I ain't been nowhere near around The Pony! I know I didn't give it to him!"

I agree with that. But sometimes when you're not feeling good, it lifts your spirits to torment your spouse... 

Farmer H started laughing AT me about something I said about feeling cold, my chest burning, and how I was miserable. Then he had a coughing fit. Thanks, Even Steven.

I went to see the name on Farmer H's steroid prescription. You're welcome...

Let the record show that it is NOT a Z-Pack.


River said...

Ha Ha, a coughing fit! That'll teach him to laugh at you.

Hillbilly Mom said...

As much as I hate to hear him cough, it WAS a nice lesson for Farmer H.