Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Pony Gets Spooked: Part 1, The Crashing And The Lighting

The Pony has been getting used to living by himself again. Getting used to living in his new, 100-year-old house. When he came home to the Mansion on Sunday, I asked if he was scared being there alone at night.
"No. Not really."
"Do you hear noises?"
"Well, there HAVE been a couple things happen. But it's probably nothing. You remember that day we had the storms? Dad had already gone home. I heard a loud noise over on the other side of the house. I went to Bedroom 2, to see if something might have crashed through the roof. It was still daylight. The bedroom looked okay. Dad has his stuff set up in there right now, like a workshop. Nothing had fallen out of place. 
Later that night, I saw a glow. I wondered why my hallway was kind of lit up. I went to look, and saw that the light was on in Bedroom 2. I didn't remember if I had turned that light off when I was in there looking to see what made the noise earlier in the day. So it was probably nothing. I guess I just forgot." 

"Yeah. Probably..."

TOMORROW: Part 2 of The Spooking of The Pony


River said...

"Yeah, probably"
Heh heh heh...

Hillbilly Mom said...

After our experiences HERE, you never know! At least The Pony's beauty products haven't been flying around his new Master Bathroom.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Oh goodie, the poltergeist moved with him?

River said...


Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm pretty sure it did. Or it's dividing time between Pony House and the Mansion. Maybe it can be in two places at once!

Heh, heh! I think you're onto something.