Tuesday, January 23, 2018

An Epic Fail From The CEO Of The Department Of The Same Name

Ho ho ho! This is rich! Here I am, complaining about the epic fail of the Save A Lot brand raisin bran, only two days ago...when I, myself, am guilty of an epic fail!!!

I mentioned the irony of a lady asking me about the little boxes of raisins, and then, in my comment later, suggested that I should give Farmer H this cinnamon-babka-of-a-raisin-bran-brand to feed to the goat and mini pony. When all I had to do was...actually buy some little boxes of raisins to add to the Save A Lot raisin bran!


So I did, at The Devil's Playground over in Bill-Paying Town today.

Yes. I only found the brand-name version. And yes, they were darn hard to find! Not on the individual fruit pack aisle. Not on the boxed snacks or fruit roll-up aisle. Not even under the salsa like at Save A Lot. They were with THE NUTS. And yes. There IS a box missing. I tried it already.

Let's just say that while the Save A Lot raisin bran was now more palatable...I'm glad I also bought a new box of the Great Value Raisin Bran for when this one runs out.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I love raisins. HeWho loathes them. So, it will come as no surprise to you that If I should bake some cookies just for me, they will be loaded with raisins.

Hillbilly Mom said...

If that happened around here (HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Excuse me, just the thought of me actually baking cookies...I grow weak from near-uncontrollable laughter), Farmer H would decide that he actually can tolerate raisins in cookies, and they'd disappear like that DiGiorno Pizza left on the stove overnight that Genius couldn't stand.