Wednesday, November 14, 2018

You Know Mrs. HM Is Sick When She Doesn't Drive To Town For Her 44 Oz Diet Coke And Scratchers

Yeah. I'm sick. With a stuffy head that makes me (even more) unstable, and watering eyes that wanted no part of driving through the bright sun reflecting off what was left of the snowy landscape... I told Farmer H that I had no intention of getting in T-Hoe. Not even for my magical elixir and lottery.

Do you know what he said?

"Do you want me to go get you a soda?"

YES!!! That was quite a change from a day or two ago, when I was complaining whining just telling him about how bad I felt, and he said, "HM. You just have a cold."

So, while I was frying hamburger to throw in spaghetti sauce with some mushrooms, and boiling rigatoni, and heating some garlic bread in the oven, all for HIS lunch...Farmer H drove off to town for my 44 oz Diet Coke. AND some scratchers, which I gave him the money for, a winner to cash in, and some losers to show what the tickets looked like that I wanted. PLUS a list of those very tickets. You can't hit Farmer H over the head hard enough with instructions.

He was back before his lunch was done. I spent 40 minutes on it. Plus another 20 cleaning up.

Oh, the scratchers he got for me? Every one a loser.

But I knew that before I even scratched them. I don't know what I was thinking, letting Farmer H touch my tickets. He's like a medicine that they prescribe for alcoholics to keep them from drinking. Only he comes without a prescription, and works for gamblers.


River said...

I'm so surprised he offered that my jaw hit the table!
So sorry to hear you are so stuffy and watery though, that's a dose of hell right there. I hope you get better quickly, then you can buy your own scratchers again and get winners.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sorry about your jaw. Send me the doctor bill!

I made it to town yesterday, because it was cloudy. Won $20 on a $10 ticket. Today there is snow, and my watery eyes don't like the brightness. HOLD YOUR JAW, Farmer H once again offered to bring me a soda. But then he said he might go to the casino for his free $15 gift card. So my magical elixir is in limbo right now.

Anonymous said...

I've always thought that Farmer H means well, but he needs work on his follow through!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I agree. Most of the time he means well. And most of the time he does follow through. Just not where I'M concerned! Like today, he went to the casino (without me), not another mention of my magical elixir until 4:00, when he called on the way home to see if it wanted one. NO! I already made my own with lunch.