Monday, May 13, 2024

A Somewhat Logical Explanation

Genius called me on Mother's Day. Mixing pleasure with my business, I related to him my internet tribulations. I asked if my troubles might be connected to the recent solar flares.

Genius has a friend who works with orbiting communication satellites. He said that indeed, my problems were most likely related to the solar phenomena. His friend said they are concerned about some satellites crashing out of orbit! That they have to fire the boosters to keep them aloft, when that solar wind is trying to push them out of orbit. 

Of course you know that skeptical Mrs. HM did not want to hear a somewhat logical explanation, believe that the powers who rule the world are intentionally messing with communications for some devious plot. But if Genius has a connection who can actually explain this... well... maybe that's what's happening. THIS TIME!

Anyhoo... Genius said this solar phenomena is wreaking particular havoc with satellites, such as our DISH provider for internet services, and also GPS. Genius was surprised that we haven't had more of a problem with our TV reception, but conceded that such a signal is of a lower bandwidth than the internet.

Anyhoo... Genius said that my internet connectivity problems was most likely a funciton of the solar flares, and not my router or modem. But that my issue with Google Chrome not loading is suspicious. He said he wouldn't delete it and download the latest version until the solar emanations are done in the next few days.

As long as I can connect with Microsoft Edge, I suppose that's good enough for me...


River said...

Now I'm wondering if the solar flares would affect us way down under the equator as well. I don't see why not. Although we are far far behind the rest of the world with internet connections and download speeds anyway. If I ran a business via computer I'd worry more but I just have this laptop for fun and blogs.

Hillbilly Mom said...

My estranged BFF Google says YES. In fact, it happened in November 2022.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I shared your info about solar flares with HeWho is definitely NOT a genius. He wanted to know who said this and I told him that not only was your named Genius (I know), he was a genius. This seemed to satisfy him, although he now thinks you are a psychic for knowing he would be a genius. We live a simple life here and must create our own entrtainment .....

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh! Of course I, too, was skeptical at first, thinking it must be a conspiracy to keep us from accessing the innernets! I do know that solar winds are a thing, from my years of teaching physical science. Genius knows computers and programming, but gave credence to this idea by knowing somebody who actually works with communication satellites.

Congrats on your ability to entertain each other! At first I was afraid Genius might be special in a different way. He used his feet like hands. Like a common monkey! Holding things with them. Like an empty can from Planter's Cheese Balls, banging on it with his hands like a drum. This was at 6 months, before he would walk at 13 months. AND he never learned to crawl. Just an Army creeping kind of movement.