Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Nonchalance Of Farmer H

Sweet Gummi Mary! Farmer H does not recognize the significance of safe handling of a major financial document!!!

Let the record show that Farmer H has never been meticulous about details. I need to give him detailed instructions concerning our finances. Also, that when I see a red pickup truck coming towards me, I know that it is Farmer H because of the clutter on the dashboard. There are many, many red pickup trucks in Hillmomba. In fact, our region could be called TRUCKMOMBA. But the only vehicle with a rat's nest of paperwork chilling on the dashboard is Farmer H's SilverRedO.

Wednesday morning, I was coaching Farmer H on the deposit of our check from the closing on our sale of the QuickFlip house. It was going to our credit union, for the creation of two CDs for maximum interest. I had the check from the title company laid out on the marred coffee table for Farmer H's signature. I had an envelope for him to carry that large check, as well as the earnest money check The Buyer had given us a few months ago. As well as the most recent receipt from the credit union for The Pony's house payment. That assured that Farmer H had our account number.

Anyhoo... once he signed the check, and put the documents in the envelope, Farmer H tried to stuff that business-size envelope into the pocket of his t-shirt! As you might imagine, that pocket was not quite adequate. The envelope only fit into it about 1/3. So the majority of that precious envelope was sticking out the top of the pocket.

"Be careful with that envelope! It contains A LOT of money!"

"It's fine, HM. I'm not going to lose the envelope."

"I hope not! Did I say that it's a LOT OF MONEY?"

"It's fine."

"I hope so. I hope it doesn't fall out of your pocket."

"I'm only taking it out to the truck. Then I'll take it out of my pocket."

I was not soothed by this declaration! So many documents (and possible junk) on SilverRedO's dashboard. And Farmer H not planning to deposit this large check until after his lunch at the Senior Center (biscuits and gravy day).

Farmer H came home with  certificates for the CDs. I haven't looked them over yet. I hope he carried out my mission.


River said...

I would be very tempted to sweep all the documents off that dashboard and take them into the house for a thorough going over, with Farmer H there to explain every single one of them. After which I would probably need a rubber room so I could bounce off all the crazy.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I have enough scraps to deal with when Farmer H DOES bring odd receipts into the Mansion and toss them on the kitchen counter or HIPPIE'S keyboard! I wish I had energy to bounce off all the crazy. I'd make Farmer H build me a themed rubber-room shed!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

They really ARE the same man! HeWho's truck is also red and the sheer volume of crap in there makes my skin crawl. All of his vehicles are this way. When I clean the RV, I rarely clean the cab, since I don't ride up there. On one occasion when he used my car to go see his mom in Georgia, I did a deep clean on his truck. I sorted everything he needed in the campground into labeled bins. Sewer problems, water problems and electrical problems. I was appalled at all the duplicate tools that had been "lost" in his truck. I also recovered rent checks (one was a year old!) and keys that seasonal campers had entrusted to him! It was then that I circulated a "news" letter to all the campers that told them to NEVER give payment checks to him, or keys, or requests. Everything had to come through the office ..... me.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Indeed! Not only the dashboard is cluttered with paperwork, but the floorboards contain Diet Mountain Dew bottles, and assorted trash.

I finally got the paperwork from the purchase of the QuickFlip house a couple days ago. After over a month of Farmer H driving them around as if they were just odd receipts.