When I made it to town on Sunday, in the brief window between below-freezing temps, I had planned to mail a bill at the main post office. I know mail doesn't go out on Sundays, but the pick-up time is 11:00 a.m., so it would be there Monday, ready to process.
After my slip-sliding at Save A Lot, I decided that I'd rather just drive through and drop that bill in the big blue outside mailbox on the back parking lot of the main post office, saving my knees for my walk through Country Mart. I was approaching the street where I needed to turn, and saw that it was mostly ice-covered. Not a big deal, because it's a level street with rarely any traffic, other than the postal vehicles at their end of shift. Very few work on Sundays, delivering packages only.
I put on T-Hoe's right-turn signal, and looked up the street to see if any traffic was coming. Nope. But what I saw chilled me to the bone!
Well! I did NOT make that turn. I drove down the street, made a turn, and parked in the customer parking lot that is under the roof of the post office. In the handicap space, of course, that has a little ramp. I mailed my bill, noting that I couldn't wait to mention this to The Pony. Which I promptly forgot, until our Tuesday morning call.
"Hey! I went to mail my bill on Sunday, and your big blue mailbox was destroyed!"
"Oh! I meant to warn you about that. It was down when I got there on Saturday."
"I wonder if the snowplow got it, or if a car went out of control and hit it."
"OR maybe a semi truck delivering the mail to us took a bad angle on the turn."
"Maybe. That IS a narrow street."
"Yeah. So I guess you can use the mailbox over by the School-Turn Casey's. Or the one by the dead mouse smelling post office, but I know you don't like that one."
"For some reason, it seems to add about 5 days onto my mail delivery! So I only use it for things that have plenty of time. I don't guess you've heard when the main one will be fixed?"
"No. They haven't said anything. And it's still laying there."
I really hope they got the mail out of it...
It's still laying there?? You'd think someone would at least stand it upright. I hope the mail was removed from it.
I'll look tomorrow when I'm over in Sis-Town. I don't think it would stand up. The legs were set in the concrete, and by the dents in the side of the mailbox, I'm pretty sure the legs would be bent and uneven from being knocked out of the concrete. I'll have to ask The Pony if they got the mail out of it.
Legs set in concrete does make a difference.
It was back up today! The legs looked like they were just sitting on top of the concrete. They were bent, but the mailbox was upright. I put in Genius's letter and a bill, and heard them land on other mail. So it's obviously being used again. Oh, and the chain link fence on the lot next to it was all bent. So I guess a vehicle slid on the ice. I don't think a snow plow would damage the fence like that. Tear it down, maybe, but not bend it in that way.
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