I mentioned a few days ago how Farmer H took The Pony out to lunch on his day off. It stemmed from guilt at putting his foot in his mouth while "helping." The Pony was having a very bad day on Tuesday. Delivering mail with a deeply-bruised rumpus from falling on the ice. Expecting to work 3-4 hours overtime, which would mean the last 2-3 hours in the dark. AND he had a flat tire on his car, which was parked at work. So he'd either need to fix it or walk home.
The redeeming part of Farmer H's behavior was that he went to check on The Pony's tire. His spare key was out here at the Mansion. So Farmer H texted The Pony to find where he was on his route, then went to get the keys, then back to the post office to look at the tire.
Farmer H determined that it was just VERY LOW, with 7 pounds of air in it. He used The Pony's gadget that hooks up to the cigarette lighter to air up the tire enough to drive. Then went to Casey's and aired up all 4 tires to the right inflation. THEN Farmer H took The Pony's keys back to him on another leg of the route. Let the record show that it was about 7 miles one-way from post office to Pony. So Farmer H spent a considerable amount of time just driving to and fro. AND the temps were below freezing, so uncomfortable working on a tire in the wind.
Anyhoo... I applaud Farmer H for being a caring dad who would go to this trouble to help The Pony. A Pony who was very sad about having extra issues to deal with while walking an 11-mile route on ice in the cold and upcoming dark.
"I told Pony last week that his tire looked low. That he ought to put some air in it. He had those days off. I don't know why he didn't do it then. When I gave back the keys, I mentioned it. 'I TOLD you that tire was low. You should have aired it up.'"
"NO! You didn't say that, did you?"
"Yeah. Because I told him."
"WHY would you do that? He's having such a bad day! That's the last thing he needed to hear, an I TOLD YOU SO from you!"
"Well. I was just sayin'. I don't think he took it bad."
"You don't think. Of course he wouldn't say anything back, after you'd just fixed his tire. I bet he was afraid that's what you'd say, because when I sent him a text saying I'd tell you about the tire, he said back: 'Don't bother. I'll deal with it.' Which is so unlike The Pony. Just so defeated. But by that time, I'd already called you."
"I didn't mean nothin' by it..."
"You just don't think how your words affect other people."
I went on about my business of getting Farmer H's supper. I heard his phone making noises.
"Who are you texting now?"
"Just Pony. To see if he wants to go eat steak tomorrow. I've got a gift card to use."
Some people extend an olive branch. Farmer H offers steak. Anyhoo... as the pictures showed, they had a nice lunch at a local steakhouse. I'm guessing that even a badly-bruised rumpus feels a little better while being sat upon to eat steak.
It was poor timing with the "I told you so", poor Pony, I hope he is a bit better now?
The Pony was a bit better for a couple days, but not looking forward to Tuesday, after the MLK Day holiday, with the extra mail. At least Wednesday is another day off!
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