Tuesday, March 24, 2015

He's A Real SHOW Pony

I am pleased to brag report that Newmentia's Scholar Bowl team placed fourth in the conference tournament on Saturday. Let the record show that there are more than four schools in the conference. Eleven, to be exact. Many of them are bigger than Newmentia. Like the ones who took places first, second, third. But that's okay. We are competitive.

The Pony won a medal for third place in individual scoring. The kid who got second is a National Merit Scholar finalist, and a senior at the school that finished third. Not too shabby. I read about him in the paper. I don't know the pedigree of the kid who got first.

After the tournament, The Pony was off to the bill-paying town with his cronies to play some D & D at a game shop. Let the record show that he was NOT driving. Farmer H had been to the tournament to watch him, and was staying to bring him home. Then he was left holding the back passenger seat when The Pony ditched him to ride with his friends. He gave permission, though.

I went to pick up The Pony after gaming. He was at a drive-in restaurant by the park where we always picked up my mom for our bill-paying trips. When he came out, that giant medal on its red/white/blue ribbon was thumping against his chest, and he was smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh, Mom. I won third place individual. The medal is really cool, but they didn't put the place on it. Just the tournament. Look at the back! It's like a rainbow."

My little Pony. I think he's ready to leave the paddock.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Congratulations to The Pony. He deserves something extra in his feedbag tonight or tomorrow.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I took him by Casey's this morning for two donuts on the way to school. Actually, I needed gas, and he runs in to pay, so I said he could get donuts. One of which he planned to save for lunch, but which barely made it out of the parking lot.