Friday, January 6, 2012

A Butt-Kicking By Sandra Bullock Is Still A Butt-Kicking

The #1 son is up to his old tricks again. He has taken his earned money and his contest prize money and his Christmas money and ordered various and sundry electronic items in a quest to build the perfect camera accessory.

I know nothing about electronics. Or cameras. I think he is making some kind of time-lapse flash attachment. Not sure. He's probably building a better mousetrap. Or reinventing the wheel. I happened upon him bent over his desk, fiddling about with wires and switches and laser lights and his laptop. He called me in to show me what he was doing. Picture yourself calling over a stray, mangy mutt, and enunciating clearly, speaking grammatically correct English, while detailing how to build and fly a Boeing 747.

For the life of me, I could not grasp the purpose or the function of the gadget. But I knew I had seen his inventing posture somewhere. It was indelibly etched in my mind. And then it hit me. He looked like Candice Bergen's secret son in Miss Congeniality, making an exploding crown for the pageant winner.

I hope he's not doing that. I SO do not need Sandra Bullock kicking my butt.


Unknown said...

My stepson used to do stuff like that. He figured out how to make a taser out of a camera and shocked his mom. He did finally at the age of 18 make something useful. A black box that worked with every TV in the house to work off a desired computer with a remote keyboard. It works with netflicks too.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I could totally see that happening around The Mansion. Well, except for the "useful" part.

Last night, #1 dragged that darned contraption to me three times, showing me how it worked. At one point, he kept setting off the flash. I finally shamed him into quitting by shouting, "I'm seizing! I'm seizing!"