Monday, January 2, 2012

Calling Out Mother Nature

Dang! I hate the wind with the heat of a thousand burning suns. Which could actually describe the weather Friday and Saturday, all hot and thousand-sunnish, not at all wintery like it should be these days. What's the fun of winter if the temps are springlike?

Don't even hint that this is an omen for the rest of winter to come. Say it isn't so. I need my snow days. Hope springs eternal. There's nothing worse than tuning in to the weather and seeing sunny sixty-degree days stretching ahead for infinity. Or at least for the seven-day forecast.

What happened to those Thurdsay-afternoon snowstorms? The ones that used to roll in right after lunch, when I was traveling between campuses, that caused me to leave school at one building and arrive at the other to discover that WE WERE GOING HOME EARLY!!! Good times...

One year that scenario played out three weekends in a row. Leave early Thursday, off Friday, go back Monday to start the whole process again. My kind of real-life Groundhog Day. Or Groundhog Week.

We are two weeks into winter. Only eleven weeks left to go. Mother Nature needs to get on the stick.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

One man's trash (being snowed in), another man's treasure??

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think that is a fair assumption. My mom has been harping since November that she hopes there is no snow this year. She's afraid her power might go off. Let the record show that she lives IN TOWN and not in outer Hillmomba, and is, in fact, our place of refuge if we lose power here. She has a land line and a cell phone and a neighbor across the road who looks out for her. Plus a fireplace, firewood stacked in the basement, and a deep freeze and pantry full of food that could be cooked over her open fire.

I don't understand her phobia. But then again, she drives on the highway ON PURPOSE, and that freaks my out. I'm a backroads kind of gal these days.