Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Skink, By Any Other Name

We had some time left at the end of class today, and a young lass regaled us with tales of her pet reptile, a skink. She said that she has to clip his toenails, and keep him warm, and not tilt him too much when she picks him up. She said skinks are not climbers, and like to remain at an even keel. So much so that her skink will pee on her if she isn't careful to keep him horizontal. She was quite knowledgeable on the subject. Her skink is a very lucky little fellow to be so well-cared-for.

When the discussion lulled, an earnest lad inquired, "Now what is your pet called again? A skank?"

Thank you. He'll be here all year.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

A rose by any other name ....... Made me remember my oldest grandson singing his little heart out "What if God was one of us, just a slut like one of us ....'

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sweet Gummi Mary! That's hilarious.