Friday, August 18, 2017

Every Pill Has Its Popper

Every night I take one regular aspirin after supper, and one ibuprofen. The aspirin is because I begged my way off that demon Xarelto after my near-death due to multiple bilateral pulmonary embolisms. I didn't think I was near death at the time, but a three-day hospital stay convinced me.

The ibuprofen is for my knees. They seem to feel better if I take one a day, in the evening. My doctor nurse practitioner says I should skip one every three days, and take acetaminophen in its place, to give my kidneys a rest. Seems ibuprofen is metabolized by the kidneys, and acetaminophen by the liver.

Every afternoon when I sit down at my New Delly in my dark basement lair, I lay out those two pills. That's so I don't forget. I see them every time I reach for a sip of my magical elixir. One aspirin. One ibuprofen.

On Sunday evening, I had a roast beef sandwich on Italian bread for my supper. I was internetting and blogging and catching up on Big Brother gossip discussion boards. Around 8:00, I noticed my aspirin still sitting there. So I took it. I usually take the ibuprofen around 10:00 or 11:00.

When I started looking for it at 10:00, there was no ibuprofen! I looked all around the yellow bubba cup of ice, my foam 44 oz cup of Diet Coke, my purple bubba cup of ice water. No little brown pill. I widened the search area to the Panasonic house phone on its charger, the woofer of my speaker set, the plastic container that holds the packets of Great Value Sugar Free Cherry Limeade. Nope. No ibuprofen anywhere!

Did I take it unconsciously, while I was fooling around on New Delly? Pop it in my mouth mindlessly, from habit? Let the record show that I was extremely achy on Monday morning. Almost as if I didn't take my ibuprofen! Or maybe it was just the weather. Or psychosomatic. A placebo in reverse. I hurt, so I assumed I took no medicine.

I never did solve the mystery. Just took the acetaminophen Monday night. It doesn't do much for me. But I keep hoping for at least a real placebo effect.

Tonight, I'm off the ibuprofen again. On purpose. No sense looking for it.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Such a willy-nilly attitude about your medicinal regimen. Are you feelin' lucky (a la MCC)?

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I am always afraid of dropping a pill on the floor, because my dogs would get it. I am very careful, but HeWho prefers t take his pills in one big mouthful has been known to drop one or two. I will find them when I sweep the kitchen floor. We have has a few heated discussions about them. He has no idea that I brush them off and serve them to him in a later pill box (they are expensive), but mainly I worry about my dogs and what the pills would do to them.

Hillbilly Mom said...

"I Take My Chances." That's one of my favorite MCC songs. I disagree with her concept of lucky, because I would NOT feel like I was getting lucky if Lyle Lovett had his hand upon my knee.

OH! That would be so worrisome, wondering if the little doggies had access to a pill! I see nothing wrong with feeding HeWho floor pills, though.