Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Sympathy For The Pony

I felt kind of bad Monday morning, when I rolled out of bed at 10:00 a.m. Not physically bad. Sad. Empathetic. When I saw a text from The Pony.

Let the record show that I was in no hurry to get up. With temps in the teens (not inside the Mansion, thank the Gummi Mary!), I figured I could take my time before heading to town. Maybe a warm-up would occur before I was ready to leave. Sadly, it did not. But The Pony had it worse.

"Of course, with this weather, it's the day both buses are almost ten minutes late. Aaaand the one I got on broke down two minutes later so they had to shuffle us around to another bus."

Shamefully, an hour later, I replied.

"Hope you dressed warm!"

"Attempted. Still cold."

Aww... too bad I can't jump in my helicopter and fly down there to take him to class. I'm pretty sure they'd let me land on the roof, right?


River said...

I have a chart on my fridge with comparison temperatures, Celsius to Fahrenheit, but it begins at 0 Celsius, which is 32 Fahrenheit. I can't even imagine what 14F would be. 14C is 57.2F and that's about where we all start wearing heavier clothes and more layers. Does The Pony have fleece lined coats and boots and beanies? Perhaps you could buy him some Eskimo clothes for next winter? Mukluks and such.

Hillbilly Mom said...

14 Fahrenheit is -10 Celsius. I used to do those calculations in my head when the kids were young, because our large SUV at the time, a Yukon had the thermometer in the mirror malfunctioning, only showing Celsius. They were all the time asking me the REAL temperature. This time, however, I just did a quick Google!

According to The Pony's phone, the wind chill made it feel like 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Which is -18 Celsius.

The Pony DOES have a pair of lined boots. I don't think he has a really heavy coat, but it has a hood, and it's windproof. I hope he dressed in layers. It was 17 F here,(-8 C), and I was okay with a long-sleeved shirt and a fleece jacket. Of course, I was only dashing into convenience stores, and not standing around to wait for a bus.

River said...

Standing around waiting for a bus is the worst when a chill wind is blowing and I've often wished I still had my fur lined ankle boots. I'm thinking now I should get a pair before our winter begins.

Hillbilly Mom said...

YES! Please make sure you have warm boots ready for winter! Even though you would not have thought of them now, if I wasn't spreading sympathy for The Pony.