Monday, February 20, 2023

Farmer H Sees The Light

As I was getting supper warmed up on Saturday evening, I noticed that the kitchen looked kind of dark. Yes, the weather was cloudy, and it was after sunset. But something was off. I called to Farmer H, who was biding time until going to the auction with the hopes of getting some fishing tackle.

"Looks like the light over the kitchen table is out."

"Has it been on?"

"I don't know. I turned on the switch when I came in from town, like I always do. I didn't notice if the light came on. It was more daylight then."

"I mean, has it BEEN on? Other days?"

"Yeah. It was on last night until I turned it off. I guess I'll just try to see my scratchers, and my food when I sit down at the table..."

"I'll get the ladder out of the garage and fix it now. I think I have a bulb down in the basement."

"You don't need to be climbing on a ladder!"

"I'll be fine, HM."

Farmer H returned with a bulb and the stepladder my mom gave us. It's more of a stepstool kind of ladder. It folds open, and has two black plastic steps, and a little platform near the top. Farmer H set it by the kitchen table, and held onto the counter while climbing up those two steps. Then he went onto the top step, and reached up to unscrew the screws holding the glass globe of the light assembly under the ceiling fan.

"Be careful! I'm coming over. I'll take the old bulb, and give you the new one."

Farmer H took out the twisty bulb and handed it to me. I gave him the regular lightbulb-shaped bulb. When he screwed that in, it was BRIGHT! 

"I know you don't have the other part on yet, but this is so much brighter than the twisty bulb! I've always hated those."

Farmer H had a bit of trouble getting the glass globe back on. The screws were not lining up, then were too tight or too loose. Finally it came together.

"I'm standing over here by the sink. As you start down that ladder, you hold onto my shoulder to balance yourself!"

Farmer H gets dizzy when he tilts his head back. I didn't need him falling off that stepstool ladder breaking his back two weeks before back surgery!

He made it down unscathed, and now I have light! 


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Yay! Yu have light! I worry everytime HeWho attempts something that cold end in an injury, I am not up for another round of The Patient!

River said...

Hooray for light!! I hate those twisty bulbs too, they're nice and bright the first day you use them and dimmer than a blind person soon after that.
I am kind of shocked that Farmer H fixed it immediately. Has he been r4eading my snarky "get on with it" comments?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I am not ready for a round of "Double Patient." It's enough that the back surgery is coming up next week. I don't need a complicating factor.

I've always hated the twisty bulbs! Unless you let the bare twist hang there without a cover, they are not bright enough.

I don't think Farmer H has been reading your comments! I certainly don't share them! I think maybe the gravity of his upcoming surgery is weighing on him. He bought a bunch of dog food (and cat food as a treat) so that it will be here for me to feed the fleabags while he is recuperating. And he fixed some connection on the water heater that was leaking. So he's getting this ship ready to sail itself while the captain is not on deck.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Farmer H is like HeWho, he might read the post, but could car less what others may have commented ....

Hillbilly Mom said...

They're TEFLON! No criticism sticks to them, because in their minds, they can do no wrong!