Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Gorger Calling The Scratcher Greedy

I made tacos for Sunday night supper. We call them tacos, but in reality they are burritos, made on big soft flour tortillas. Of course I had to caution Farmer H not to take the whole pan of meat. You know how he is...

You wouldn't think that should be necessary. It was 2.28 pounds of ground beef. Of course it cooks down to less. I put stale bread in the pan to soak up the grease for the dogs' treat. Then stirred in two packets of taco seasoning, and called Farmer H to the kitchen to assemble his own supper.

"Keep in mind that this is for TWO NIGHTS. So the two of us are eating two meals each from it. That means you can't take half the meat tonight! Only 1/4, so we have enough for tomorrow."


"You know I have to tell you that, or you'd take all the meat! You've done it before, and we didn't have our leftovers!"


"You can have as much of the refried beans as you want. I don't really like them, and I have more in the pantry. Also, as much of the cheese, lettuce, onion, sour cream, and salsa. We have more."

Farmer H started spooning his meat onto his two large tortillas.

"That doesn't look like 1/4. You can have some more."

Yeah. When I said that, Farmer H took a little more than 1/4 of the pan. Almost as if he'd planned that scenario! You'd think a man who builds themed sheds without plans, and can redesign a flip house in his head, could estimate what 1/4 of a skillet of ground beef would be.

Anyhoo... there was plenty of taco meat left for me, and for leftovers. Farmer H was done within 10 minutes, and back in the kitchen while I was still finishing my scratchers.

"Hey! Don't go bringing your bad luck in here! I still have my little crosswords to go. And I've haven't won anything since I you came out of the bathtub earlier. I've only won $170 so far! I had a $100 winner, a $40, a $20, and a $10..."

"You're too greedy." 

Said the man who has to be warned not to eat a pound of taco meat at one sitting.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Shame on you for wanting your share!

River said...

you need to divide the pan into quarters before he gets anywhere near it, then instruct him to take just one of the sections. Surely he can't complain about the fairness of that?

Hillbilly Mom said...


I mistakenly thought he could mentally divide that pan in half, and then in half the other way, and take a pie-slice-shaped fourth of it. It's not rocket science!