Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Mrs. HM Opens Her Mouth And Embarrasses Herself

Everybody knows that Mrs. HM is a shrinking violet. She wouldn't say doody if she had a mouthful. Spit it out, yes, but say doody, no. She doesn't like to make a scene. She will suffer silently, then rip the offending party to shreds with her vicious blog fingers.

Monday I went to Country Mart for bananas and cheddar slices and bread and butter and trash bags and paper towels and mayo and dill pickle spears and garlic toast and soda for Farmer H.

For the past two weeks, his Diet Mountain Dew has been "on sale" at 3/$11.00. This is not all that great of a sale, but when not on sale, each six-pack of 20 oz bottles costs $4.68. I won't pay that. Any little bit off feels like I am outsmarting them.

One of the newer girls was working the register I went to. She was pretty fast, though not that great at bagging. She put my box of 28 trash bags on top of my bunch of 8 bananas! Everybody knows bananas are tender, and don't need box corners poking them!

Anyhoo... as I was setting my stuff on the conveyor, I only set one six-pack of soda.

"I have three of these."

The checker nodded, and continued scanning and badly-bagging. She put my garlic toast in with the pickles and mayo, when obviously it was cold and square and should have gone with the butter and cheddar slices. Still, she was friendly and quick. I wheeled my cart/walker out to T-Hoe and rearranged a few items into their proper bags.

Once in the driver's seat, I wrote down the amount on my receipt in my checkbook register. That's when I saw that my Diet Mountain Dew rang up as 3 @ $4.68! 
For $14.04.

Sweet Gummi Mary! I was not going to take that! Even though it meant marching back inside, from my parking space way down at the right end of the building where a bicycler had once blocked me in... I slid out and began my march of indignation.

I stepped up to the service desk. The friendly lady was working.

"Oh, do you have a lottery winner you need to cash?"

"I WISH! No, this time I'm here to complain. It's usually my favorite pastime, but I hate to do it here. I just bought three six-packs of Diet Mountain Dew. The sign says it's 3 for $11.00, but it rang up as 3 at $4.68. See?"

Friendly Lady perused the receipt. "Oh. Here it is. Right here. Your discount."

At the very bottom of the receipt, there was a "Promo - $3.09." Nothing indicating what it was for. Just that amount subtracted from my total. The Diet Mountain Dew was midway down the items. Not near the discount.

"Huh. Why is it way down there? It doesn't say what it's for."

"I don't know why it does that. Maybe just to make people complain!"

"Well, thank you. Now I know."

"I can handle a complaint like that!"

"Me too."

So Mrs. HM made a fool of herself, and subjected her knees to extra walking, to find out that she had NOT been cheated on soda, even though the discounted amount didn't exactly match up with the advertised price.


River said...

Our receipts used to show the discount minus amount directly under the item so it was easier for people to figure out but surprisingly many still came to complain and had to have it explained to them. Having it at the bottom of the receipt doesn't make much sense, but at least it was there.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Now I know to look at the bottom of the receipt when I think I've been cheated on the sale price. I could have figured it out if it was directly below the soda cost.