Thursday, March 9, 2023

A Crunchy Repast Born Of Bravado

The Pony is such a good child/adult. He used his day off to take Farmer H over to Bill-Paying town for a blood draw. Farmer H has friends around here who would do it. But he knew he could get into and out of The Pony's car, since he rode home from the hospital in it. The Pony was agreeable, with less than a half-day notice. Of course he will be compensated with lottery tickets.

Once they returned, I thanked The Pony for giving up his day off.

"I hope you didn't have anything planned. I know how important time off is when you're working full time."

"Are you kidding? I don't have a life." The Pony proceeded to show me a short video.

To illustrate The Pony's statement that he has no life, I present the following tale...

The Pony was involved in a social media discussion of the best way to peel a hard-boiled egg. Not sure how this came about. It might have something to do with The Pony boiling some eggs he had in his refrigerator that were two months past the date. No big deal to me. I've used them even older than that.

Anyhoo... The Pony, being somewhat of a droll jokester, had commented, "Just eat them in the shell." Somebody replied that unless that is something The Pony makes a habit of, he'd just take somebody else's advice. At which point The Pony made a video of himself EATING A HARD-BOILED EGG UNPEELED!

That's right. He tried to dip it in a small pile of salt on his plate, which of course didn't stick. Then he bit the pointed end, and proceeded to chew and swallow that bite. And another. And another. Until the egg was consumed. I could hardly stand to watch! The sound was horrifying.

"It wasn't really too bad. Very crunchy. I guess you could say I got a little extra calcium in my diet that day."

I'd show you, but I value The Pony's privacy. Perhaps more than he values it himself.


angie said...

That sounds as gross as when my daughter ate octopus. She had braces on her teeth. I'll leave it to your imagination.

River said...

I think that would be quite funny to see, like those youtube videos of toddlers eating onions.
I could never do it myself though, the sharp edges of the eggshell would cut my tender gums to ribbons.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I would rather eat eggs with the shells on than any kind of octopus!!! No matter what the state of my teeth.

If only I could show it without showing The Pony's face! I'm shocked that The Pony has not suffered a mouth injury. He gets mouth ulcers sometimes, and can't figure out what the trigger is.

River said...

Have him keep a food diary detailing what he eats and when then when the ulcers happen he may see the cause.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I have told him to do this to figure out what triggers his headaches. Some of the ulcer foods he knows, like the powdered flavoring on those honey mustard pretzels I gave him.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Just reading about the eggs triggered my gag reflex! My daughter has mouth ulcers. Hers is triggered by stress. It is a herpes virus and like chicken pox, will always be with him, looking for an opportunity to strike. The twins were babies when they first had it. It was so awful, Jill's mouth was full andshe was afraid to eat, but Jeff got so hungry, he ate through the pain and cried while he was stuffing food in his mouth. His might show up once a decade, but Jill has them with any fever, any stress. She takes meds now and it is less severe. I can still pcture my baby boy, crying and eating and blood running down his little chin. I cried, too!

Hillbilly Mom said...

The SOUND triggered me! I think The Pony's flare-ups are related to food. Your poor sad little Jeff! That's a heartbreaker. Not that Jill wasn't also worthy of my empathy. It's just the thought of him eating through the pain.