Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Mrs. HM's Latest Affliction (No Invalid)

As if the paper cut on my right hand, inflicted by the electric bill for Farmer H's SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) wasn't bad enough... now I have suffered a shower injury to my left hand!

Yes. When you're old, even a daily task such as showering can leave you disabled. It wasn't a slip, nor an extreme case of hard water, heh, heh. It was just carelessness when I turned to close the sliding door after stepping into the shower. My left hand hit the little metal rail on the inside of the door. That handle which Farmer H uses to drape a washcloth, thinking it will magically dry, even though I take a shower six hours after he does.

It hurt a little, like stubbing a toe. But immediately that area puffed up with a purple knot. Like I had a knuckle on top of a knuckle. Ten hours later, it was still purple, though not as puffy:

The photo doesn't do it justice. Even Farmer H could see my double-knuckle across the living room, and he only has one (working) eye! Of course, that was right after I got out of the shower.

There it is again, against the backdrop of my pachyderm-ish skin. It doesn't hurt much. So I'm not actually disabled. The paper cut was more painful.

I guess I must have hit right on a vein. The daily aspirin did the rest. I'm pretty sure I will make a full recovery.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I manage to hit a hand or foot at least once a week, so I am always sporting bruises. I would tell everyone that I was eing abused, but anyone who knows us would immediately assume any abuse in my household wold be done BY me, not TO me. My first marriage was an adventure into a world I never knew exsisted.

River said...

It does look like you hit directly on a vein, but what's that other bruise down by your thumb? That looks painful too. I've managed to avoid shower related injuries so far.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh, that would give new meaning to your opening statement: "I manage to hit a hand or foot at least once a week..." Perhaps not your own!

That other one is not always so prominent. It's the area that still hurts from my encounter with the container of noodles, chicken, peas, and mushrooms. Perhaps I was too vigorous in rubbing in my Hempvana that day. It's barely noticeable today, but hurts worse than usual. Congrats on your exemplary showering techniques!