Tuesday, March 28, 2023

It's Going To Take A Little Time

I am kind of numb, mourning my Sweet, Sweet Juno. They're just pets, but each one takes a little piece of your heart with them. She had a good life here, and just got old. Nothing tragic. She knew she was loved.

Parts of my days are fine. Then I have a memory of Juno. I look at things as BJD and AJD. Before Juno's Death, and After Juno's Death. Like the treats on the kitchen counter, that got stalled due to my fever. Last night I gave my little Jack the chicken breast with only a few bites taken, that I didn't feel like eating when I was sick. It was being saved for Juno. I even told Farmer H to give it to her, but he couldn't find her.

That was too much food at once for my little Jack. But I wanted him to have it. I'm sure he enjoyed it. Especially without Juno breathing down his neck, trying to take it away!


River said...

Time is the one thing we have plenty of, until we don't. I will miss the stories you tell of Juno. Does Jack look for her?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Jack was extra-barky on the front porch for a couple nights. He usually sleeps over by the BARn in the cold weather, or under the Gator in warm weather. But he stayed on the front porch, yapping at any little thing. I'm sure he had a sniff at dear departed Juno, and knew exactly where she was, and that she wouldn't be joining him any more. Jack gives me sad eyes, but I'm pretty sure he's mirroring MY sadness. Including little whimpers in his throat while I pet him.

River said...

I think he misses her.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I DO think Jack misses Juno, too. Farmer H put Jack's food dish over beside Juno's. It's still there. Empty. But now Jack has the Top Dog spot next to the garage door. I'm sure he misses barking with her all night! And ganging up against Copper Jack. I can't believe they are buddies during the day, but at night, and when I come up the driveway, they are worst enemies.