Friday, March 24, 2023

Not Too Sick To Be Annoyed

Coming up on Hour 20 of my sickness. I am too sick to do a lot of things:

Too sick to drive to town for scratchers.
Too sick to go get our weekly cash from the bank drive-thru.
Too sick to put gas in T-Hoe. 
Too sick to write Genius's weekly letter.
Too sick to write checks for three bills.
Too sick to record two debit card purchases by Farmer H.
Too sick to eat.
Too sick to drink.

I am not, however, too sick to feel annoyance with Farmer H.

For the most part, he's supportive. Which mainly consists of saying that I should go to the doctor. But also, he opened a box of Puffs With Lotion for me. Not that I have a lot of snot. I just have occasional congestion that needs blown out, like every other day

I vacillate between wanting Farmer H home, and wanting him gone. He left around 9:00 on Thursday morning, and went to the bank for me. Ate his lunch at the Senior Center. Chicken Pot Pie, Beets, Brussels Sprouts, and Tapioca Pudding. Sent me a text to see if I wanted him to bring me anything. I did not.

Farmer H came home around 1:00, and slept in his recliner while I slept in bed for about 2 hours. Then he left me alone again to go look at some fishing plugs he wants to buy from a guy.


So here I am at the kitchen table, and I have to listen to it. Darn him.


River said...

How far is the TV from the kitchen table? Could you inch/ stagger/crawl your way to the remote and turn it off?
Or just stuff your ears with puffs-with-lotion?
Andy Griffith isn't so bad....

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's about 50 feet to the TV remote. Not a big deal when I'm feeling normal, but a journey of 10,000 miles when I'm sick! The Puffs aren't known for their soundproofing quality. I am just sick of Andy Griffith. That's all Farmer H seems to watch. When Gunsmoke isn't on...

River said...

50 feet! That's longer than my entire flat including the back porch.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's a little bit of a hike to get from kitchen to far side of the living room. Doesn't seem all that far when I'm feeling healthy.