Saturday, June 17, 2023

Darn Tootin', She Don't Like No Shootin'

A couple things about our new rescued dog Scarlett...

She really does not like shooting! Over the past week, our neighbor, Copper Jack's human daddy, has been shooting in the woods down behind his house. He's an avid hunter, with bow and firearms. I don't know of any critter that's in season to hunt right now, so he must be sighting a new gun for future use.

Anyhoo... it's not very loud. We're in the woods. Everybody has at least a 10-acre parcel of land. So it's not like he's standing under our back porch firing off machine gun rounds. I can hear it in the kitchen, but Farmer H can't hear it from the living room. Scarlett sure hears it! When it starts, she BARKS! She's not much of a barker. But guns set her off. I don't know if that's irony, what with her formerly being owned by a police officer. I'm pretty sure Scarlett didn't go to the gun range. She's not a police dog.

After a brief hiccup of freedom (which will be discussed elsewhere), Scarlett has been behaving herself by staying here at the Mansion while being off her lead for almost a week. Farmer H saw her running with the pair of Jacks yesterday, out of our yard, and across the gravel road. They usually do that while tracking rabbits.

When I came down the driveway a couple days ago, Scarlett ran out from under the carport behind little Jack, to join him with Copper Jack in barking a greeting for my return. She ran into the garage when I opened the door, and met me as I climbed out of T-Hoe. She did not jump in when I told her NO. She also does not jump up on me when I say NO. She stands and waits for me to pet her. I can see that she wants to jump into T-Hoe's rear as I'm getting out groceries, but lots of NOs keep her grounded.

Scarlett likes having the fur of her shoulders ruffled when I pet her, but that causes lots of hairs to fly into my mouth! She is a sweet girl who seems happy at last. She will lie on the back porch where I can see her sometimes. Not much pacing now. She looks forward to her daily treats, but will grab the first one I throw down, regardless of who it is designated for. Jack has learned to hang back, and get the best one when I toss the first in Scarlett's direction.

I'm still not sure if Scarlett realizes that she's a dog. She will be in Jack's vicinity, but not interact. When the dogs came barking to greet me, part of their fun is to bark at each other, and sometimes play-fight. Even Juno joined in that game. Scarlett just walked past Copper Jack and gave him a withering look when he turned to bark at her. Perhaps they will eventually become frenemies.


River said...

Perhaps Scarlett is barking a warning that someone is out there when she hears the shooting. I'm glad she seems to have settled in and is happy now.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Maybe. She is such a rare barker. She WILL bark when Copper Jack comes up on the porch. And now when I come down the driveway. I am worried about her for the 4th of July, when the fireworks will sound like shooting.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

She is settling in her new life. I wish Toni was not such an avid barker. My old girl Louise was afraid of any loud noises. Thunder would send her into my arms. Fireworks were stressful, too.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, I see Scarlett improving day by day. My Sweet, Sweet Juno was afraid of fireworks. She would run over to hide in the haybales by the BARn. Gunshots didn't bother her, though. Maybe she could tell where they were coming from, and associated them with people. Not just big booms in the sky.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Toni Louise shares that fear of loud noises with the original Louise. Their personalities and quirks match so much that I wonder if she is actually Louise reincarnate!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

There is a reason Toni Louise found you, even though she seems to be HeWho's dog!

Farmer H bought a used .22 today, and took it down to the woods to shoot and make sure it works. Jack and Scarlett went with him. He said she didn't even flinch, and she was only a few feet away. So I guess she's just nervous about a PERSON being down in the woods shooting. Not necessarily the shooting itself. We'll see how it goes on the 4th.