Tuesday, June 6, 2023

It Would Be A Public Service, Really. Feeding The Car-Less.

With the hot weather here to stay, there's been an explosion of people driving their side-by-sides to town. They're like fancier Gators. Like souped-up golf carts. Some of them can go 80 mph, Farmer H says. That doesn't mean they SHOULD! They annoy me on the road, because there are no SIDES on a side-by-side. Some have seatbelts, some don't. People don't wear helmets. Think about how dangerous that is! How can a passenger survive if hit by an actual CAR that belongs on the road???

Anyhoo... they just annoy me from a safety standpoint. They annoy Farmer H because people don't have to pay taxes and have licenses on them like a car, yet they think they have the same driving rights as a car.

I was two cars behind a side-by-side at Dairy Queen the other day. The woman driving it could not seem to get it in gear. Every time she pulled forward in the drive-thru line, she would turn it off. Then have trouble getting it to move forward again. It kind of jumped, like it may get out of control! Also, a young girl kept getting out of the back seat and walking around behind it to get in the other side. BELT HER! Is what I wanted to say. With a seatbelt connotation, of course.

Anyhoo... one day I encountered FIVE side-by-sides on my hour trip to town. Sometimes they come out our gravel road. Sometimes they turn off before. But here's what I have been fantasizing thinking about...


Yep. It's dust season out here in Hillmoma. Clouds of dust billow up behind T-Hoe once I turn onto our gravel road. If a side-by-side just happens to be behind me, the driver and passengers are going to get their fill of dust! They won't just be satiated. They will be bloated like post-Thanksgiving Dinner after eating my dust.

Just one more service Mrs. Hillbilly Mom provides.


River said...

Ooooh! Great idea!
Dust those buggers good and proper.
How can they not realise how unsafe they are on proper roads?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I would love to help them out with a good feeding! I'm selfless like that. I can't imagine how people drive their kids around in those things. It's one thing if they want to risk death by being stupid, but leave the kids at home! Not alone, either! Why do they think cars go through so many safety tests, and there are laws about car seats for kids? I've seen people holding toddlers on their lap! No doors on those side-by-sides! A collision with a real car would be deadly.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I just don't understand parents of today!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I don't even understand the grown-up kids of the parents of yesterday!