Thursday, June 29, 2023

Maybe It Should Have Remained Forgotten

I brought home the forgotten pizza on Tuesday. Perhaps there was a reason that I forgot it on Friday. The selection was not good. Many empty spaces in the freezer where the good pizzas belonged. The only kind of DiGiorno I could find was pepperoni. Nope. Not happenin'. I hate pepperoni.

The next best kind, Freschetta, seemed to exist in only the Canadian bacon and pineapple variety. We had one before. It was good, but I was not in the mood for a sweet pizza. On the bottom shelf, I saw a stack of Freschettas, several of which were SUPREME! It's more work for me to pick off the peppers from Farmer H's side, and the pepperoni from my side, but that could work, since I didn't see any of the meat pizzas.

While I was pawing through them, a lady pushed up her cart and stood there. Too bad, so sad! I was there first! No matter how hard I tried, I could not find a decent pizza box. All of them were caved in on top, kind of not-firm any more. Like all the pizzas had been thawed, and then frozen again while stacked. I just don't trust Country Mart!

Anyhoo... the Freschetta Supreme that I put in my cart had one corner of the box ripped off, and the end of the box halfway torn open.

"I was trying to find a good one, but this is it!" I told the Waiting Lady. She looked at me quizzically, though that should have been MY expression, because if she wasn't waiting to look at the pizzas, what in the NOT HEAVEN was she standing there watching me for???

Anyhoo... when I got to the checkout, the Old Lady looked askance at that pizza when ringing it up.

"Sadly, that's the best one back there! But I figure it's probably okay inside. They have that shrink wrap to hold everything in place. It's not like the toppings will fall off. I have to move them from one side to the other anyway, because my husband doesn't like the peppers."

"It's probably fine. I move the toppings like that, too. Haha! I sometimes give myself a little extra!"

Once I got that pizza out to bake it around 6:00, I saw that one edge of the crust was curled up. It must have been sitting on its edge when it was thawed. I added some canned mushrooms, and a chopped onion after adjusting the peppers and pepperoni.

Just as I assumed, that pizza was fine. It did its rising crust thing, which technically it shouldn't have if it had been completely thawed before baking. Farmer H and I are not averse to having another one. IF I can find one in as good of shape as that one!


River said...

More than a few of the frozen pizzas I buy seem to have traveled stacked on their sides since all the toppings have slid over inside the shrink wrapping which is never shrunk enough to properly hold it all together. I just thaw and rearrange it all. But when I get an occasional good one I almost do a happy dance around the kitchen! Mostly these days I make my own pizzas.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Your pizzas always look delicious! I am not so ambitious. When the boys lived at home, they loved it when I made the Chef Boyardee box pizza, mixing the dough, letting it rise, and baking them a deep-dish pizza. Only cheese for The Pony's section, and hamburger for Genius. Farmer H was lucky to get a square!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I loved those Chef Boyardee pizzas when I was a kid! It was a big deal for my mother to allow us to ave it as a treat. Frozen pizzas are really expensive now. We have a favorite pizza place we get ours from. Costs a little more, but it is so good. Not to mention the pizza oven we bought and tried ONCE!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I watch for which brand of pizza is on sale. That's probably why they appeared to have been thawed! Move that damaged merchandise!