Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Knock-Knock-Knockin' On HM's Door

Remember when we got the Friday phone call at 8:51 p.m., announcing (yet again) that our smart meter would be installed in 7-10 days? Well. I guess the fifth time's a charm. The following Tuesday, at 8:50 a.m., our smart meter arrived.

I knew, because the dogs were barking their fool heads off. Then I heard footsteps on the front porch, and a knockin' at the door. Two sets of knockin'. Of course I stayed seated on the short couch, under my comfy fleece throw left to me by The Pony when he moved out of the Mansion. All of their calls had stated that nobody needed to be home for the (forced) installation of the smart meter.

Through the mini cracks of the mini blinds on the front picture window, I saw the technician walk around the porch towards our not-smart meter. Since the recording had said that we would lose power for up to 30 minutes, I decided it would be a good time to get in a flush before the well pump was disabled. I hobbled to the bathroom next to The Pony's bedroom. Of course I closed the door!

You know what happened, right?

I had just finished tinkling, and was preparing to hoist myself off the throne, when THE POWER WENT OFF! Yep! No flush for me. And I was sitting in complete darkness, in an interior bathroom with the door sealing out natural daylight. Welp. That plan was being guffawed at by The Universe.

We've lived here 25 years. My sense of direction is not so bad that I can't find my way out of a dark bathroom. I could still feel the sink in front of me. I got up and opened the door, and THE LIGHTS CAME BACK ON! The power was only off for a couple minutes. 

The technician walked past the window. The dogs went crazier. The whole ordeal had taken MAYBE 15 minutes at most. I sent Farmer H a text that we had our smart meter, but the dogs were still riled up.

"OK probably barn"

So I guess the BARn got a smart meter, too. I was relieved the process was finally over. Thought that was the end of it. 

Today we started getting calls from the electric company. First leaving no message. Then a recording asking for our feedback on the installation of our smart meter.

They'd better not be calling at 8:51 p.m.!!!


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Is it me, or does it seem like everyone wants a survey or feedback about their service? Even if the customer is not happy at all with the company (I am thinking of my insurance provider), the person will politely ask if you would like to complete a survey at the end of the call. I have even asked, in exasperation, if they really wanted my opinion about their service. I will admit to finding a certain satisfaction in giving them a bad review, but nothing ever changes, so why do they want my overview of their business functions? Does anyone read them? Do they really care, or just want to appear to care (your opinion is very important to us)?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think they want the feedback to cherry-pick the good reviews. I agree that nothing changes after complaints. Maybe they think if you complain directly to them, you won't put it on social media to shame them.

Pudge450 said...

Just curious…will your toilet not flush without power?

Hillbilly Mom said...

We get one flush per toilet, as the tank empties. Then the tank won't fill, because our water is from a well, and the pump runs on electricity. So we don't get faucet water, either, and the shower will stop if you have the bad luck to be in it when the power goes off!

River said...

You should have still been able to flush, but the tank just wouldn't refill until the power was back, right?
I hate feedback and surveys. At the end of a few where they ask "any more you'd like to say?" I write 'I hate surveys' in capital letters.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, I would have one flush. Then I'd have to use the knee-hating short toilet in the master bathroom, or hike down the 13 rail-less basement stairs to the NASCAR bathroom. Which is not a good thing if I'm in a hurry. Nothing makes you feel the urge to use the bathroom more than the thought that you don't have a flush!

They might force me to get a new smart meter, but they can't force me to take a survey!