Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Crick Ain't Just A Stream In Hillmomba

Reminiscing can be a pain in the neck.

So can typing on a DELL jkeyboard. See what I mean? I have never liked this keyboard. The one I really liked went away. I can't remember if it went kaput, or if the #1 son commandeered it for one of his projects like tha ttime (more evidence) he set up two monitors and eight speakers and had his desk at the bottom of the basement stairs looking like the control center of the International Space Station. Anyhoo...he was all helpful and such, and said, "Here. Just use the one that came with your computer." Easy for him to say.

I have never grown used to this dang thing. That's why we left it in the box for so long. It has a mumber pad and a bunch of arrow keys and /insert/home/pagy up/delete/end/page down/ where the regular letter keys could be swpard out to make themselves more comfortable. As you can see, my log posts would get done s lot faster if I didn't have to go back and coarrect every line. I am really a pretty good typer on a keyboard that cooperates.

But this is not abou my keyboard. the one that refused to capitalize when I hit the shift key, but makes me go back and hold it down for an uncombortable amoutn of time until it takes. Anyhoo...here are the notes made my Mrs. hillbilly Mom for a couple of posts she was anticipating:

Woollly bear caterpillars
Reminiscing can be hazardous to your heal a bapoin in the neck
Hil; poeply

You might recal that I have already covered the Woolly Bears. And that bottom one says "Help People" if you can't tell. The middle one is what we're here to deal with today. I'll start correcting my error forthwith. That middle line says, "Reminiscing can be hazardous to your health, a pain in the neck." 

yeah. Oops! It got me again. I have a pain in my neck, because last night, I spent two hours reading through some old copies of my high school newspaper that we found cleaning out my closet at Mom's house. The pages are yellowed and fragile. I was kicked back in my basement recliner, wearing bifocals, also trying to watch Big Brother After Dark on that crappy POP channel that has six minutes of commercials for every four minutes of show. I normally record it and start watching after the first hour, fast-forwarding the commercials. So there I was, tilting my head just right to read through my bifocals, then trying to tilt down to see the TV through the distance part of my glasses.

Along with the crick in my left neck/shoulder/back, I've been having a tingle like a funny-bone twang in my right shoulder/side/arm.

I don't need the high school newspapers to tell me that I'm old.


Sioux Roslawski said...

No, you've got it all wrong. The HM you see in your high school newspaper and yearbook--that's the right HM.

That getting-older woman you see in the mirror? She's some whack-job. Just leave the bathroom and lock her inside.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yeah! That's it. I'm sure I can lock that lady curmudgeon in the bathroom, and go out on the grounds of Hillmomba and run a 7:04 mile, just like I used to. Looking for my shoes now...