Sunday, July 5, 2015

All Over But The Lie-In

The Pony has made his bed, and tonight he must lie in it.

He's checked into his dorm room at engineering camp. Tonight they will enjoy a sumptuous repast in the cafeteria, and have their first group meeting. The Pony must choose three branches of engineering to investigate. By day, the campers will learn about what the career entails, and then tour various facilities to see real-life applications of their proposed future vocations. By evening, they will compete against other teams in a challenge to build some kind of engineery contraption. Last year, it was a car that launched a plane. Or maybe a flying car. I'm not so engineery myself.

I asked The Pony if he wanted to pack some snacks. I think his MBS experience was weighing on his mind. He picked up a can of Pringles, a bag of Buncha Crunch, and a skid of Gummi Bears. Okay. It wasn't a skid. It was a 50-pound sack. Okay. It wasn't 50 pounds. The Pony said it was 5 pounds. Which is more than enough Gummi Bears for 5 days. He said he would be sharing, but after seeing him dip his hand in there, others may not want to partake. Of course, these will be HIS PEOPLE, so they might not care. I certainly hope drinks are readily available, and that The Pony will not have to resort to sneaking more than his share of grape drink from the pitcher at the table.

The #1 son also attended this camp. He was beside himself when the counselors traipsed the campers across the park to feed them, and they encountered LARPers! "Mom!" he said. "As if it wasn't bad enough that we were being led around like little kids, we had to go by the LARPers. This is truly a place for nerds."

I mentioned that possibility to The Pony. "I WISH! It would be great to see some LARPers!"

Just goes to show you. While nerdiness may be inherited...there are apparently different degrees at which the gene is expressed.


Sioux Roslawski said...

What is a LARPer? I've racked my brain.

Little Assailants Repo-ing Plymouths?

Lovable Aardvarks Randomly Puking?

Lost Accountants Resting Peacefully?

Let us know.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Methinks Google is not your BFF. Live Action Role Play. People dress up like they're employees at a Renaissance Fair, and fight with cardboard swords and crap. Or they get all fancy and spend money on costumes and accessories.