Sunday, July 26, 2015

It's All Over But The Heavy Sighin'

Yesterday, I got my letter from school with the opening day schedule for our inservice festivities.

Only one more breakfast where my section of the room goes last, and has a spread of loose grapes and tired scrambled eggs left to choose from.

Only one more time to sit through a three-hour meeting before we get down to the business of receiving our handbooks so we can flip to the duty schedules.

Only one more viewing of the sexual predator videos which are exactly the same from year to year.

Only one more time to bemoan the fact that we must sit and listen rather than use the time wisely to prepare for the first day.

Only one more open house!

Only one more viewing of the new year's class rosters.

Only one more time to slap those emergency evacuation posters on the wall and hope they stick longer than a week at a time.

Only one more time to hook up my technology control center and whip into into working order by trial and error. Mostly error.

Only one more time to head off to the first day of school with my grown-up little Pony.



Kathy's Klothesline said...

Cherish it all, every stinking minute!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I know. You don't know what you have 'til it's gone. I'm a complainer, but I really do like my job. I'd like it even better if I could get my way all the time. Or even get credit for half of what I do well.