Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Selfless, Helpful Mrs. Hillbilly Mom

Lest there be any question as to whether Mrs. Hillbilly Mom is an anal-retentive obsessive control freak, let the record show that THIS is the chart she taped on her desk for the support staff to use when moving furniture back into her classroom this summer after the grand waxing:

Yes. It IS extremely detailed. Down to the number of tiles between each desk, the order of appliances in the leaning tower of electronic gewgaws, and the placement of every other piece of furniture that calls this cozy classroom home. Okay. Cozy might be a stretch. Mrs. Hillbilly Mom is not a grandmotherly, creative, early childhood professional. If you think, perhaps, this layout looks like a sterile infectious-wound treatment center, she takes that as a compliment of the highest order.

Don’t think Mrs. HM ran roughshod over the staff, making them arrange her educational accouterments over and over until they got it right. No. She was not even present when the restoration occurred. You see, she taught them how to set up a classroom one time. Not to get all creative and learn how to set up classrooms for themselves for the rest of their lives. And they APPRECIATED Mrs. HM’s effort. Why, only yesterday, when Mrs. HM complimented them on how perfect her room was when she walked in the door for the first time since May…they thanked HER. Because she made it so much easier for them to get ‘er done, rather than trying to remember how they pushed the mop around the desks all year.

Uh huh. Mrs. Hillbilly Mom is all about helping people.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Are you sure it was "thank you"?

Perhaps it was another one-syllable word that ends with "k" that they mumbled under their breath before saying "you"?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I am sure it was "thank you." Because this was not CUS. This is one who is fed Mrs. Hillbilly Mom's World Famous Chex Mix every Christmas.