Monday, October 19, 2015

The Grinch Chef

Remember The Pony? The little fella who doesn't really care about people? He's baking a cake. For people.

The Pony spent his weekend baking. He was preparing for a how-to speech in one of his classes. Of course he decided to make an Oreo cake. Which may be his way of telling me that I don't make it for him often enough. Sweet Gummi Mary! You'd think Thanksgiving, Christmas, his birthday, and Easter would be enough cake for one Pony. I don't like it. Farmer H can't eat it. Only one or two relatives scam a piece, probably because The Pony stands guard over it.

We had to buy three sets of ingredients. One for practice. One to make the cake that he's taking to serve the class while he does his speech. One to mix together during the speech. That's a lot of ingredients.

The teacher says that students can use the FACS room to cook their creations after the speech. I think The Pony is just about caked out. He will have to abbreviate some steps to bring his speech in under the 7-minute limit. And I don't imagine him wanting to run up and down the hall checking on his third cake in three days.

The cake he made on Sunday for distribution to the class looked great! I have rarely seen The Pony prouder of an accomplishment. The only fly in the ointment was that he cut himself while opening the tub of frosting (so he may need ointment). Don't ask me how. Only The Pony could manage that. I told him to put a Band-Aid on his finger. Or cut the side off a ziplock bag and put that corner over his finger. Not sure of his tactic. I stayed out of the kitchen to allow him his autonomy and accurate practice  conditions for his speech.

By the time you read this it will all be done but the dish-washin'. I am sure The Pony accomplished his mission.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Surely the earth is going to open up and swallow us all... The Pony? The Pony thinking of others and doing something nice for them?

I'm going to start building my "catastrophe bunker."

Hillbilly Mom said...

If that bunker doesn't work out, you know where to get a handbasket!