Monday, February 13, 2023

Hey, Pony! What's For Supper?

It's not always steak for The Pony. He has regular meals that don't take a lot of preparation. Like a few days ago.

Little chicken sandwiches! Doesn't look like he had any sides this time. The state of the biscuits makes me wonder if his oven is cooking evenly. Or maybe he had the chicken on a pan that was on a rack over his biscuits, so parts didn't get all the heat. To be fair, The Pony DOES prefer his biscuits to be doughy in the middle. So either way, they were not all done to his liking. Looks like they had pepper jack cheese, and his sauce of mayo/ketchup.

The Pony said he was making a different version of chicken sandwiches for Sunday night. On Texas Toast, with cheese and sauce. Lettuce would have been included, but he's out.


River said...

L'il mini sammiches! So cute :)

Hillbilly Mom said...

They ARE cute! Makes me want some.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

He is self sufficient! I think you might be right about the oven.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I might have The Pony keep an eye on his oven, in case Farmer H needs to check the elements. Those biscuits should not be so different in hue.