Sunday, February 26, 2023


Sitting here at the kitchen table Friday night, I heard the dogs start barking. They're so weird. No idea what they bark at all night. Usually, it's later, around midnight or 1:00. This was shortly after 9:30. Farmer H had already gone to bed at 7:30, not long after supper. I was watching the time, because I wanted to be done computing by 10:30 to watch TV.

The dogs were somewhere out front. Maybe near the garage and driveway. Maybe in the front yard/field. They were pretty close, but not up on the porch. Then I heard it:



About two seconds apart. I looked at the time on HIPPIE. It was 9:38. Huh. That was curious. I couldn't tell if the thumps were inside the Mansion, or outside. It didn't sound like anything I'd heard before. Not something falling on the porch. Not somebody banging on the door. Not the hollow bump of something falling in The Pony's bathtub.

Hmm. Maybe I should check on it. NO! Not by going to look in the spooky end of the Mansion by that bathroom! But perhaps Farmer H had fallen going from bed to bathroom at the other end of the house. Though you'd think he would make a louder noise, and only one thump.

I waited. The TV had gone off from lack of switching channels. It does that. The DISH Network screen comes up, telling you to push the SELECT button to continue watching. So there was NO noise in the Mansion. Just the intermittent barking of Jack and Juno. Not even Copper Jack. So they weren't barking at HIM. When the thumps came, they were not barking.

By 9:42, I could no longer sit and wonder. I got up and went to the master bedroom. Farmer H was snoozing in bed, tethered to his breather. So he had not fallen and bounced, and had not been lying on the floor, trying to get my attention by thumping something.

No idea what it was. Perhaps a new spook clamoring for attention.


River said...

Possibly a squirrel thumping onto and off the porch? We'll never know if you don't go...and see.

Hillbilly Mom said...

NO! If that THUMP was a squirrel, it had to weigh more than Juno!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Your house is scary!

Hillbilly Mom said...

You ain't a-woofin'! Even scarier, when you consider that Farmer H built it himself, with the help of assorted rag-tag tradesmen acquaintances (as they became available upon being bailed out of jail), for cash, with only a minimal loan. You can never be sure if you're turning on the hot water or cold water, since Farmer H's plumbing was done in a creative manner. And you might feel like you're on a ship as you walk through the Mansion, glancing at the light switches and electrical outlets, which are all on a slight slant.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Yes, we are married to the same man!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think we are! And we have the same dog, and half of another!