Monday, June 3, 2024

Attention, The Universe

It has come to Mrs. HM's attention that the odds are being ignored in her quest for a winning lottery ticket. For over three months, Mrs. HM had not had a "big" winner. That defies the odds she has endured in the past. No winning streak lasts forever. No losing streak lasts forever. Mrs. HM is well-acquainted with percentages. Yet for over three months, Mrs. HM has repeatedly reaped less than her usual 40 percent win percentage.

In addition, Mrs. HM's daily contacts who also play the lottery say that they have NOT BEEN WINNING ANYTHING! One of the die-hard gamblers said she has given up playing for a while! Something is clearly not kosher with the state lottery commission. It's as if a moratorium has been issued on winnings. Sure, there are a couple of high-profile wins published on the official Facebook and website. That must be smoke and mirrors! The kibosh has apparently been put on daily small wins. 

Don't tell me that scratcher wins are totally random. A look at the monthly winners' map will show clusters of wins over $1000 in specific cities. Almost as if somebody scheduled regional wins...


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Corruption prevails ....

River said...

Clusters of mega wins happen here too, but not in my state or my city. They are usually in the Eastern States, where there are millions more people so I guess that makes sense. Although recently there was a $40 million winner right here in my own city. Too bad it wasn't me. Wish me luck for this week's draw, which is a much smaller prize but perfectly acceptable in my eyes.
I hope your scratchers start winning again for you.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm not really sure if it's even corruption. I just dislike them promoting the idea that wins are totally random, when it is clear that they rotate monthly winners to various regions within the state. That is NOT random.

Good luck! I hope your time in the winner's circle will come!

People online complain about the big winners being in St. Louis or Kansas City. There are also a few big winners scattered throughout smaller towns. The justification from the lottery (heh, heh, I first typed "lootery") officials is that of course more big winners will be found in the higher population centers. HOWEVER... the big winners have to be sent there, don't they??? Just because more people are scratching doesn't mean more big winners will be found, unless more big winners ARE SENT TO THE BIG CITIES. So I don't buy the "random" theory that is promoted.

River said...

"lootery" sounds right, just like I often mistype "blooger" instead of blogger.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh! A Freudian slip, perhaps, due to how I regard the lottery.