Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Pony Anticipates Becoming A SOUPER BIG DIPPER

When The Pony stopped to buy wine on his break Saturday, he also found some other items of interest.

"Also got some soup and dip mixes to try eventually, even if they're apparently supposed to simmer an hour and a half!!!"

There's the soup mix. The Pony LOVES pasta. It looks pretty good. Though a bit pricey. Still, supporting a small business.

There are the instructions. Shouldn't be too hard.

"Good luck with not falling asleep during simmer!"

The Pony is generally exhausted when he gets home from work, and sometime falls asleep between shower/bath and supper.

"Not sure if I'll make them tonight. It'll be a bit of overtime so I might order pizza/breadsticks from Little Caesars and try one of the dips."

Here are the dips. Also a favorite of The Pony.

"Yeah, sounds like the best plan."

I didn't ask The Pony on Sunday which of the dips he tried. I'm pretty sure he didn't attempt the soup yet.


River said...

The soup is probably best left for a day off when he can wake refreshed and pay attention to the simmering. The dips look interesting.

River said...

from your other blog:
I also enjoy getting handfuls of cash when I win anything, though it is rare for me. Last week I won $76.40 and put it straight into the purse I keep for buying draw tickets, since I didn't need it for cat food or anything else.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I agree. For a day when The Pony can set an alarm on his phone, lest he get sidetracked playing computer games. But at least NOT ASLEEP and not hearing the alarm. The Pony LOVES bread. So I'm sure that's what he will use for his dips, not chips.

River 2,
That's a great win!!! And a great decision to sock it away until you need/want it for something else.