Saturday, June 15, 2024

Critters Gonna Critter

Thursday evening, I was sitting at the kitchen table, tap-tap-tapping away on HIPPIE, when movement on the porch caught my attention. I can see out the three windows of the kitchen bay area through the slits of the mini blinds. Usually, it's Scarlett, pacing, pining for the object of her ADORATION. The squirrels barely distract me any more. They run along the top of the porch rail.

Anyhoo... I saw movement over the top of HIPPIE's screen. I waited for what I thought was Scarlett to come around to the window closest to me. I talk to her. She hears me. I'm no Farmer H, but she responds by wagging her stump tail. She often walks around to get a drink from the water bowl in the nook by the laundry room door.

This time, it was not reddish Scarlett, but a white four-legged animal. I first thought it was my little Jack, although he prefers to sip and dip in the fake fish pond. The critter was walking, in no hurry. But something was off. It wasn't sleek Jack, with his tiny red spots. It was a FURRY animal! Kind of mottled. 


That seemed so creepy! I jumped up and ran around to look out the laundry room door. IN MY MIND. In reality, I turned on my chair, hoisted myself up, leaned on the kitchen counter until my knees unstiffened, then hobbled into the laundry room. Huh. Nothing out there on the porch by the water dish. Can you believe it? I opened the door and stuck my head out. I could see the whole length of the back porch. Nothing was there.

I knew it was too big to be a possum. I HOPED! It appeared slightly bigger than little Jack. I went to the living room and described it to Farmer H.

"Huh. There's a big calico cat over at the BARn. I seen it for the past couple days. That might be it."

"That might explain what the dogs were going crazy at around 4:00 this morning, in the front yard."

"Yeah. Maybe. I don't know where it came from. But I've seen it over there. It's big."

So far, that has been my only sighting. 


River said...

A cat bigger than little Jack?? Wow. I hope it isn't likely to attack when startled.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I KNOW!!! If it's a stray, it must be killing and eating pretty well, to be so big! It certainly walked like a dog or cat, something with four substantial legs, not scurrying like a low-down possum. Although years ago, we DID see a possum in the BARn field with unusual white/gray mottled coloring.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

A big fat stray cat. I noticed that the feral cats in this neighborhood are really enjoying our deck! Three were out there and looked at me like I was the intruder!

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's a cat for ya! Just their attitude. They don't need us!