Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Rash Indecision

For about 5 days, Mrs. HM has been plagued by itchy skin! It's on my lower legs/ankles, and on my left inner forearm. What could those two areas possibly have in common?

I've been trying to assign a cause. 

I haven't eaten any new foods, nor taken any new medicine. 

I pat Scarlett with my left hand, and my left inner forearm often comes in contact with the fur on her shoulders or back. I thought perhaps she might have been in some poison ivy, though I have not been allergic to it in the past. My mom, dad, and sister (the ex-mayor's wife) all broke out from it, and needed calamine lotion. But after only one such issue, I never got it again. And... my lower legs and ankles did not touch Scarlett's fur, and I did not rub my forearm on them.

The arm is very itchy in the mornings. I stick it down beside me on the short couch, under the fleece throw that The Pony gave me from college. I cover my legs with the throw, but they are protected by my holey sweatpants, and socks.

I thought maybe the use of a new fabric softener sheet might have caused the itching. When I was in high school, my mom switched from TIDE to some other detergent, and I broke out in a rash where my socks contacted my skin. However, though my holey sweatpants were dried with the fabric softener sheet, my socks were hung to dry. And I haven't washed my sweatshirt, or the fleece throw before my itching started.

The most logical culprit is my lotion. Every day after my shower, I put lotion on my lower legs and ankles. Only recently did I put it on my left forearm, because there was a dry itchy patch. However... it's the same lotion I have used for years! Same bottle for the past few months. Why would I suddenly develop an itch from my regular lotion?

I know I'm allergic to lanolin. When the boys were babies, I used Eucerin Cream on their little rumpuses. It prevented diaper rash. Even when they were older, I kept getting Eucerin Cream to use on my hands as a moisturizer. Then I made the mistake of putting it on my arm. And once on my belly. I broke out in hive-y itchy blotches. A review of the ingredients of Eucerin Cream pointed to the lanolin. I know to only use such a product on my palms. It is not an ingredient in my regular lotion.

I'm not sure if the lotion is the problem. I stopped using it on Sunday morning. My itching seems to have lessened. The blotchy red area on my left inner forearm seems to have shrunken just a bit. The itching is not as urgent.

As a test, I only used the lotion on my left lower leg on Tuesday. We'll see if there's a difference in it, and the other leg and my arm...


River said...

Get a magnifying glass and read the fine print ingredients panel. They may have made a change which wouldn't bother 99.9% of people but has affected you. Try plain Sorbolene lotion instead if you can get it there.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I have a magnifying glass, but since I'm on the last 1/3 of this bottle of lotion, I don't think it's because of a change, or it would have affected me before now. I have not heard of Sorbolene lotion. I might look that up.

HOWEVER, since I tried the lotion yesterday only on the left leg, it seems NOT to be the lotion. In fact, the left lotioned leg was LESS itchy that the unlotioned right leg! The good news is that both were less itchy today than the previous few days.