Sunday, June 23, 2024

Marching To His Own Drummer Must Be Quite Tiring For Farmer H

Farmer H has spent the past three days raking leaves. Two years worth of leaves. Off the cover of POOLIO. Since his surgery last year, Farmer H didn't even open Poolio, because he couldn't get his back submerged for a while, even in the big triangle tub in the master bathroom.

Anyhoo... he started a few days ago by pumping water off the cover. He probably got about a foot or two of water out. As for the leaves, Farmer H got the dip net thingy used for skimming. But here's the catch. HE USED IT FROM THE BACK PORCH! That's right! That thingy must have been telescoped out about 12-15 feet!!! 

I was watching through the kitchen window. Farmer H would get a partial net of wet leaves, then that pole would bow as he tried to lift them. Still, he managed to get them over the side of Poolio, and dump them. Then bring it back for more. Like I said, he's been working on this project for three evenings.

I cautioned Farmer H when he actually went down to stand on the ground beside Poolio on Saturday evening. It's strenuous work in this heat, lifting wet leaves over and over. Equivalent to shoveling snow in the winter. 

Most of the leaves are gone now. A little water remains on top of the cover. The Pony is coming out Sunday afternoon to listen to a space-punk opera debut with me. It's a composer he has followed for a while, and got me hooked. We are planning a carry-out dinner while we listen to the 2-hour broadcast. Farmer H will be at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2). The Pony will help remove Poolio's cover when Farmer H gets home.

Farmer H and I are both excited for our Sunday festivities...


River said...

Oooh! Poolio! I am so sorry that you can't get in there and splash around to cool off on hot days. Perhaps you could sit on the deck and have then splash you form time to time as they cool off?
The space-opera thing sounds interesting but I know I couldn't sit through two hours of it.
Would a leaf blower work on the leaves?

River said...

This refers back to your other blog:
I am stunned that the buyer thinks a “pretty up” is enough to make such a profit. Just covering the bad roof and painting over it? Illegal here. I am also surprised at what he paid for it. Here in Australia a house that run down would go for land value and you’d be astonished at what that would cost!!
I look at real estate sites a lot, every day, and when I see a crappy looking house with only exterior photos I know for sure it will be bought by a developer who will knock it down and build wall-to-wall townhouses on the block, then sell each one at a high price for a massive overall profit.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think I've only been in Poolio once. Getting in and enjoying the water is not a problem. It's climbing the ladder to get out. I felt unstable then, and it would be worse now with my knees and balance. I used to go sit on the deck Farmer H built adjacent to Poolio, but the fewer steps I go up and down now, the better.

A leaf blower would not work. Those leaves were waterlogged from being in that accumulated rainwater on top of Poolio's cover.

I was getting my food ready during the first hour of the space-opera, bit I could hear it just fine. Dang Hardee's does not have their Red Burrito chicken bowl anymore!!! They still have other Red Burrito offerings, like tacos. But that's not what I wanted. So I made my own "steak bowl" at home. Plus a salad for The Pony to have with his chicken tenders, fries, and Sister Schubert's Rolls.

Hillbilly Mom said...

River 2,
I don't think we have any laws about roofs here. The neighborhood is not zoned for commercial activities. I guess once the beauty shop closed, no other businesses are allowed to move in. That's why Farmer H couldn't make it into a little store for his business. So that house-buyer can't make apartments on the land, but he can rent the house, or sell it.