Monday, December 4, 2023

Hot From Hillmomba's Gossip Column: Jack Is Sleeping With Scarlett!

Let the record show that Jack has never been a "house" dog. He eschews sleeping in a house, preferring instead a scratched-out gravel hollow under the Gator in warm weather, and a hole burrowed into haybales in the cold. Even though we have three doghouses on the porch, he has never used one.

My Dear Departed Juno had her special house just outside the kitchen door. Neither Jack nor Scarlett show any interest in it. Scarlett will sometimes scratch and lie on the porch just outside the door, but won't go into the doghouse. I've told Farmer H many times that he needs to tip that house over, and sweep the old cedar shavings off the back porch. Then fill it with fresh shavings to see if Jack or Scarlett might be interested in it. I'm sure that as it is, Juno's smell is still in it. She had bouts of dripping pee during her last few months, and moved herself around to the end of the Mansion into one of those two doghouses.

Farmer H DID put new cedar shavings in both of the doghouses on the end porch, on the BARn side of the Mansion. He had told me that once the weather cooled off, he thought Scarlett was sleeping in one, because she came from that end of the Mansion in the mornings when he went out to feed the dogs. I was surprised, because for so long Scarlett refused to go in a doghouse. Even during rain, when she was hooked to her yard cable to prevent her from running off again.

Imagine my surprise last week when Farmer H told me that Jack was sleeping in the doghouse with Scarlett! I didn't believe him. Yet one chilly rainy day as I left for town, both dogs came galloping around from the front porch, with sweet cedar shavings clinging to their fur!

This really makes me happy, to think that they are cuddling together in the same doghouse. Jack has been Scarlett's constant shadow since she was released from the cable full-time to roam the countryside. Scarlett is a bit indifferent to Jack, but I've caught her romping with him like an actual DOG on several occasions. And a few days ago, when he wasn't there on the side porch when I got back from town, she ran around between the kitchen door and the front porch, looking for him so he wouldn't miss his treat.

I am so glad we took in Scarlett, so Jack can have a companion. Plus the fact that she's no longer confined to a wire kennel where she can barely stand up for 12 hours a day. 


River said...

This makes me so happy, especially the bit where Scarlett looks for Jack so he won't miss his treat.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Scarlett is not nearly as aloof as she used to be with Jack. The cool weather has them acting frisky, playfighting and wrestling for position. Scarlett throws a right paw to box Jack across the face. He scuffles underneath her, nipping at her legs. His tactic of biting onto Juno's tail while she ran through the front yard-field, trying to shake him off, doesn't work on Scarlett. She has a bobbed tail!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I think dogs are happier with other dogs, or cats. When we lose one, they all grieve. They will protect each other just like real siblings. Eddie is growing fond of Dora. I am getting mauldlin, not everyone should drink alcohol!! My tooth still hurts, but I don't care!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Scarlett did it again today. She came bounding across the front yard as I returned from town. Copper Jack was over by Shackytown Boulevard, looking over his shoulder, I suppose for my little Jack. Scarlett ran back past him to fetch Jack, and they all came to the garage.

Enjoy your alcohol. It will help pass the time until your tooth can be fixed.