Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Mrs. HM, The Tricky Trickster, Shakes A Tailgater Off Her Tail Feathers

It's no secret that PEOPLE ARE CRAZY! They don't know how to drive. Or they DO know how to drive, and insist on doing it badly!

Monday, I was headed over to Sis-Town for the dark-meat chicken special at Country Mart. Six legs and six thighs for $8.99! Can't beat that with a stick!

Anyhoo... I was on the road behind the local high school. The speed limit is 35 mph, with a short section where it is 25 mph between 7:00-9:00 a.m., and 2:00-4:00 p.m. Of course I always comply with the speed limit there. I've seen police cars lying in wait for speeders. And more importantly, it's the RIGHT THING TO DO! As one whose bread-and-butter was working in education, I always obey the school zone laws, and take extra caution around school buses. 

The time was 2:20. The speed limit sign clearly visible. Yet a white pickup truck insisted on riding T-Hoe's rumpus. In the 35 mph area, and also the 25 mph area. That is just dangerous! Nobody needs to drive that close. If a deer (or child!) ran out in front of me, that guy did not have enough room between us to stop. He would ram right into T-Hoe, and run over the runner-outer even more!

This is a straight section of roadway, with an ample shoulder. I held my speed. I picked up my phone, and held it up by the rearview mirror, as if I was taking a picture. Let the record show that my eyes were still on the road. I didn't actually open the photo app, or look at the phone screen. Just pretend.


In fact, when I turned on the next section of road, where the speed limit is 45 mph, that white pickup truck almost faded out of sight among the hills and curves. I bet he was at least 1/8 of a mile behind me. Never did catch up, until we came into Devil's Playground Town, where the speed limit drops to 30 mph. Even then, White Pickup hung back. Turned a different way.

I'm pretty sure he could see through T-Hoe's back window, and saw the silhouette of my phone against the light coming in the front windshield. SOMEBODY caught a guilty conscience!


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Never do you see a patrol car when things like thhis are happening, it appears that you can take of yourself!

River said...

That was very clever of you :)

Hillbilly Mom said...

I am woman, hear me roar! Or in this case, I am woman, see me snap!

I was actually shocked that this tactic worked so well. Heh, heh. Or maybe he spilled coffee in his lap, and was preoccupied with wiping it up.