Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Poor Pitiful Pony

Poor, pitiful Pony. If you are familiar with a biorhythm chart, The Pony must currently be in a trough with his physical and emotional domains. The intellectual domain seems to be at least on the midline. 

Saturday, about an hour from being finished delivering his route, The Pony took a tumble. I didn't get the details on how it happened. I suppose he put a foot wrong. Badly skinned his right knee. Blood was pouring out. The Pony didn't want to take a chance on treating it with his mail-hands, so waited until he got home. Sadly, a soothing bath in The Pony's big oval tub in his master bathroom was out of the question, due to the knee. But he got it cleaned up and ointmented. It didn't look too bad by Monday.

After Christmas Dinner on Monday, we all partook of a mass scratching of lottery tickets. The Pony only won $5.00!!! That is a travesty. So many tickets, and only this one paltry winner. You're not gonna believe this (or maybe you WILL), but Mrs. HM herself won $345! That was winners of $100, $100, $50, $50, $40, and $5. Let the record show that we all had the same number and denomination of tickets. I shuffled them, laid them out on the table, and made stacks for each family member. It's not like I picked special tickets for myself. They were bought over a couple week's time, at various places. I'm just lucky, I suppose...

At least The Pony did not get caught breaking a work rule. A minor one! There's a wine store on his route. It was Saturday. He wanted some wine to take to the annual Christmas Eve soiree Sunday at the home of my sister the ex-mayor's wife. So while he was inside delivering, he took his break 10 minutes to buy some wine. Which he is not supposed to do in uniform. Sue him if you must! It was not for himself, but one bottle to take to the Christmas Eve dinner, and two bottles as a gift for his cousin.

Hopefully, The Pony's chart will take an upturn when we go to the casino. Can't have him falling all over the premises. Though winning $5 might be a good thing there, since it would mean leaving with more money than he went in with.


River said...

I'm so sorry to hear about The Pony's run of bad luck. Hope the knee is almost better by now. Congratulations on your wins.
I had a minor win myself, the Tuesday draw was jackpotted to $90 million, which I did NOT win, but I won $16.50. I used $8 to buy three scratchers and won $20, so things are looking up at least a little.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Thanks. The knee looks fine, but now The Pony might have the flu!

Congrats on your wins! I felt bad that I was the big winner. It's not like I can tell which tickets are going to have a good jackpot!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Did you feel sorry enough to share your winnings with the sad Pony?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I did not! And sadly, things got even sadder for the sad Pony when we went to the casino, and not only did he lose, but he got sick!