Monday, December 18, 2023

The Glutton-Ater Is At It Again

I've been making Chex Mix to give for the holidays. It takes 2.5 hours for each batch. That's a half hour for putting it in the right layers into the three pans, and 2 hours of stirring every 15 minutes. I need to make four batches. Two are done so far.

Saturday, I had left the first batch cooling on the cutting block while I went to town. There was also a paper plate holding two spoons that I use for stirring, and assorted pieces that fell out on the cutting block during several stirs. That's fair game. Even the boys learned that at a young age. If it's on the paper plate, you can eat it.

When I got home, Farmer H was there. He even came out to help carry groceries, once I asked. Back inside, with the house smelling deliciously of fresh Chex Mix, I asked if he'd tried any.

"Nope. I knew I'd be in trouble."

"You didn't even eat what was on the paper plate!"

"I didn't want to take any chances," he said as he walked by and ate the entire handful at once.

"Well, I'm going to put this batch in containers for my best old ex-teaching buddy Mabel. There might be a little bit left for you to have some."

Once the Chex Mix was containered, there was a bit left in the pans. Not enough for a full container. I called in Farmer H.

"You can have a little of this that's left."

He went to the counter and came back with a large styrofoam bowl!

"Um. You're not having THAT much! I might like to try it, too, seeing as how I did all the work!"

Farmer H got a smaller bowl, and I dipped out the best parts for him. Meaning he got the Chex and Bugles and nuts and pretzels, while I was left with the crumbs in the bottom. But still, I had a taste.

Sunday, Farmer H was gone when I containered the new batch. I had a little left, that I put in a black plastic container with the previous crumbs I didn't eat. And also into a new black plastic container. Those had held pulled pork in a former life, and became my Hillbilly Tupperware afterwards. They hold about half as much as the containers of Chex Mix that I give away.

Anyhoo... when Farmer H came home, asking if there was any Chex Mix available, I told him he could have the top black container on the counter. It had the best of the leftovers. I'm okay with having crumbs mixed in my container.

Farmer H warmed up his supper of grilled hot dogs that he'd made a couple days ago, dipped up some slaw, and took his black plastic container of Chex Mix to his recliner.

Imagine my shock when Farmer H brought his plate back to the kitchen, and set down the EMPTY container from the Chex Mix.

"You ate ALL of it???"

"Yeah. Well. Uh. You said it was for me."

"I know. It was. But I thought you might eat a little of it, and then set it by your chair to have some tomorrow."

I really should have known better.


Rae said...

I know you make Chex Mix every year around Christmas time. I don't know how long I've been reading your blog, but I know I will be reading about the Chex Mix making, at some point. I also think how I should be getting on that list of Chex Mix receiving. I've made Chex Mix several times in years past, but it's like many things - someone else's tastes better. My dad used to make it too but he no longer is able. There's nothing better than a good homemade Chex Mix and kudos to you for going to the trouble every year for friends and family. I hope they appreciate it as much as I would. (Hick??) Yum. Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

I am at this very moment stirring the third batch of Chex Mix. It's hard to crack into my giving list! My mom used to make it every year. I use her recipe. So does my sister the ex-mayor's wife, but hers doesn't turn out right. She relies on me to give her some every year. A separate container from that of the ex-mayor, and he's not allowed to touch hers! I CAN say they all appreciate it. One ex-principal wanted to pay me to make a whole batch for him. Nope. My time is valuable, and not for sale!

River said...

Styrofoam bowls? Isn't thsat the stuff that falls apart into tiny little balls that stick to everything?
I hope Farmer H doesn't decide to help himself to your portions now that his is all gone.

Hillbilly Mom said...

What do you guys do over there, eat out of Amazon boxes? The styrofoam bowls are pressed into a BOWL form, with a coating, and even if you tear them apart, nothing falls out of the styrofoam.

I think Farmer H might have foundered on his large portion of Chex Mix. When I asked if he wanted some of the batch I made today, he said, "NO!" Later in the evening, I asked if he wanted me to bring him the handful that was left in one of the pans, and again, he said, "NO! I'm good."

Kathy's Klothesline said...

All that stirring is they key, and it takes time to cook itslow and do it right. I have seen some recipes that have been modified to make it quicker. It wasn't as good.

River said...

Of course not, we eat out of regular bowls, plastic or china, or stoneware, I just have never heard of the styrofoam bowls nor ever seen any.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Stir every 15 minutes for 2 hours, at 250 degrees. I gave the recipe to one of my co-workers, and she thought she could shorten it to 1 hour at a higher temperature. She was SHOCKED that it didn't turn out like mine.

On a slow blog day, I will have to get you a picture of the magical styrofoam bowl!