Monday, June 24, 2024

A Sunday Success

I went to town early Sunday, to pick up The Pony and bring him out to the Mansion so we could listen to a "concert" online. The Pony bought some wine for the occasion. He had three kinds: Raspberry Tart, Honey Elderberry, and Honeydew. He'd had the Raspberry Tart before, and knew what it tasted like. He brought the other two. 

I was never a wine drinker. It seems bitter to me. Perhaps I was expecting grape juice, heh, heh. Anyhoo... The Pony asked me which I thought would be better. I said probably the Honeydew, because I wasn't sure I liked the idea of Elderberry. The Pony opened the Honeydew, and wafted the bottle under my nose. It didn't have much of a smell. At The Pony's urging, I tried a little sip out of his glass. It was SWEET! So I suppose that's not a dry wine. Maybe a WET wine! Like I said, I know nothing about wine.

The Pony has a wine shop on his route. When he wants wine, he shops for it using his break time. He sent me a text on Saturday when he got it.

"I barely had the strength to resist an offered wine tasting at my wine store!"

Thank the Gummi Mary, The Pony has a good head on his shoulders. As we discussed on Sunday, it was the Honeydew wine that was offered as a sample.

"I knew I shouldn't try it while I was working."

"Yes. I'm sure the tiny sip you would have gotten as a sample would not affect your work. But it's the idea of it. You were in uniform. Some disgruntled post office patron might have been in the store, and seen you. Then they could complain that you were drinking on the job."

"Yeah. I knew better."

Anyhoo... The Pony enjoyed that Honeydew wine. He'll probably get it again. It was sweet, like grape juice!

Our 2-hour music event was fantastic. Farmer H came home at 3:45, and he and The Pony got the cover off POOLIO. The Pony helped Farmer H with his tablet thingy that he wants to use for keeping track of his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) inventory. The dogs received extra attention from The Pony. Scarlett was a well-behaved lady.

So a good time was had by all. Farmer H drove The Pony and his remaining bottle of wine home. I miss him already. The Pony... not Farmer H.


River said...

That last line! Hahahahaha.
I'm glad you all had a good time and the wine was nice.

River said...

referencing your other blog: wow! Even Steven sure has been good to you this week! I looked at the scratchers selection today when buying my draw tickets, but none looked appealing. I only buy lottery tickets if I have enough money left that I don't need for anything before my next pension payday.Bills, groceries and cat food always comes first.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm sure the object of my "missing" was clear to YOU... but just in case, I clarified it for others. It's one of the best times I've had in a while, almost on par with a casino trip. The Pony was excited about the new music. It won't come out for the public until August or September. This was just a preview of the finished "opera" for the Patreon members of this composer. He even had a character named for The Pony! The Pony says he has done this for some other regular followers in the past.

River 2,
I have no bones to pick with Even Steven! You know how to play the lottery. Common sense in when to risk a purchase. I, too, look at the tickets to decide which one WANTS me to pick it! That's when I don't have a certain kind in mind before I leave home. Like when they're out of one I want, or I feel like I need to take a break from my usual favorites when they're not paying.