Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Beware The Scaminators!

Sunday afternoon, I was minding my own beeswax when my cell phone started ringing. There's no need for my cell phone to ring, unless it's The Pony, Farmer H, Genius, or my sister the ex-mayor's wife. Nobody else has that number to call me, now that I'm retired, and don't need to be a branch of the emergency SCHOOL'S CALLED OFF phone tree.

At least my cell phone warned me: SCAM LIKELY. 

This Scaminator had the nerve to leave a recorded message. It was a robocall. Of the political variety. And shamefully, this guy was taking advantage of the HOLIDAY! Apparently, he's a Missouri judge, running for Secretary of State.

"This is [REDACTED] wishing you a Happy Father's Day..."

WHOA! Last time I checked, I had not fathered any children! That I KNOW OF, heh, heh!

I had never heard of this guy, but he just made sure he won't get my vote.


Rae said...

I wonder how many of us are out there that confirms a campaigner just lost the very vote they were looking for just because of their invasion of our personal time and especially, during a holiday.
What's worse, is when we inadvertently answer the door because we were expecting someone else, only to find someone looking for our vote and then not being able to ditch the person because we have someone else on the way over.
I hate pre-election for anything. It's hard to get away from their begging for your vote, or God help them, money. Rabee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think the campaigners are more effective at LOSING votes with their tactics, rather than garnering them! Now they've made an enemy, when they might have just been randomly chosen by people who didn't recognize any of the candidates!

At least we are spared the door-to-door. First of all, it's not profitable to come way out in the middle of nowhere, with roaming dogs, to knock on far-spread doors. Secondly, we have a sign down at the start of the gravel road declaring it private. It doesn't seem to deter the CREECHERS, the people who park there to "swim" in the creek, or the cut-through drivers, but it DOES keep out solicitors.

River said...

Bl**dy politicians will try anything! I wouldn't vote for him either.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I agree! The NERVE of that guy, wishing ME a happy father's day! Just to get into my phone and solicit a vote!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I hate the robo calls. Sometimes I like to engage real people in conversation, just because I can!

Hillbilly Mom said...

And because while you engage them, they can't be calling OTHER people!