Sunday, June 30, 2024

Selfless Mrs. HM Gives Back

I stopped by Orb K to cash in some winners and get more lottery tickets on Saturday. The nice, but somewhat dim girl had just opened her register. I was next in line, and bypassed the older clerk, because Dimmy was at the register nearest the scratcher display, and I needed to see the numbers on the tickets without squinting, or having another customer bobbing around blocking my view.

Dimmy cashed in my winners without issue. She had to circumnavigate the other clerk to get to the scratchers case. She tore off the ones I wanted, with the exception of a $10 ticket that the other clerk said they were out of. Not a big deal. I can take cash back, rather than buy a ticket I don't like.

"Okay. That's all. I'll just take the rest in cash."

Dimmy rang up my new purchases, and handed me my change. She gave me a ten and a five.

"Oops! I think that's too much!" 

I laid down each ticket separately, telling her the cost. Indeed, she had given me five dollars too much. I peeled off that five, and handed it back.

"Here, take this back. I don't want to cheat you."

Dimmy looked a bit confused, but she took the five and put it in the register. I think the problem was that she had left my two $5 scratchers hooked together, folded over, and only scanned it once.

No way am I going to take a chance on bad karma from ripping off a convenience store clerk for five dollars, when I KNOW I don't deserve that much in change.

Heh, heh. Honesty is the best policy! I had a $40 winner there, and a $100 winner over at the Hillmomba Casey's! You can't go courting retribution from Even Steven by scamming five dollars you don't deserve!


River said...

I always give back when the change is too much, though that rarely happens now in Supermarkets where the cash registers are computerised and tell the teller how much to give back. At the Farmer's Markets is where I sometimes get too much and I hand it back.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I don't want the worker to be in trouble when their drawer doesn't balance. You never know how many times a warning might have happened, and I'd hate for them to get fired. Sometimes mistakes occur that can be easily corrected. It's not nearly as bad as being rude to customers. Sometimes it's just from how the scanner doesn't work right on the scratchers they ring up.

There's an issue with my favorite cashier at the Gas Station Chicken Store that I will post about.

Pudge450 said...

I wonder….one time I got home and discovered I had not been charged for one of my scratch-offs. I didn’t drive back across town to pay for it. It was not a winner, in any case. So, if it had been a winner, would they gave paid? Do they track by serial number?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm sure they would have paid. They don't track if you've paid for a certain ticket, I think. But if a ROLL is stolen, the serial numbers are put on notice, and when those tickets are trying to get cashed, the culprit (or whoever is in possession of the tickets at that time) is busted and arrested.

I'm thinking that in buying several tickets, they can't be sure which ones were paid for. But after a robbery, the serial number on that roll is put on blast. So any of them will trigger a message not to pay, and to report the person trying to cash them. As in the surveillance camera footage. I've read about thieves being caught this way.