Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Is This Any Way To Run A Store?

I was over in Sis-Town on Monday, to deposit a check in the bank. I stopped by the Country Mart, because I needed bananas. There was only ONE BANANA on the banana display table. This store does not have boxes of backup bananas below it, like 10Box and Save A Lot. The table here is over a solid cabinet.

Also, I was hoping to get some mini tomatoes, which they usually have two packs for $5. But there was ONLY ONE PACK OF MINI TOMATOES! Which I got anyway, because they are better than the variety offered at 10Box for $3.98. But of course since I could only get one, it rang up as $4.99.

Sweet Gummi Mary! It would not surprise me in the least if a worker ran out after I left, and set a single pack of mini tomatoes back on their display...


River said...

And you didn't ask if they had more stock out back? Oh wait, that would be me.

Hillbilly Mom said...

No, I did not. This store seems to be under the control of high school students, with the more mature (and higher-salaried) employees hiding out in the back or at the service desk. I've asked about the Diet Mountain Dew that was on sale, and was told that "some guy just came in and bought it all off the shelves." It's not like they will go in the back and look for more.