Saturday, June 22, 2024

Wondering If It's Worth The Worry

When I left for town at 2:45 on Friday, I heard voices down behind the Mansion, in the area of the creek. The woods are dense, and you can't see the creek from here. It was directly behind the Mansion, where Farmer H's first cabin, the A-Frame, is located.

A creek is not owned by anybody. It's fair game to the public, should they enter at a bridge and follow the creek, without getting on anybody's property. There is a 10-acre section of land across the creek from us, with a house on it. So anybody who lives there has the same right to approach the creek from their side. I'm not saying there was anything wrong with people being in the creek area.

It sounded like kids, perhaps playing in the water. Just a joyful loud whooping and excited talking. The only issue that concerns me is that a few years ago, kids vandalized Farmer H's Creekside Cabin. He has a bunch of old-timey stuff in there, tins and such, bought at auctions. He figured out the culprits then, and their father decreed that they come spend a Saturday working for Farmer H. Which Farmer H wanted like a hole in the head. 

Anyhoo... those kids are grown now. But other people have moved in since then. You never know if they have kids, or "partial" kids who come for visitation on the weekends, and don't feel any sense of neighborhood here, or respect for the property of people they don't know.

Again, I'm not saying there was any shenanigans. Only that we never hear anybody down by the creek, and it IS the weekend.

Farmer H can't drive down there because his Gator is out of commission. SilverRedO is too big to go down the trail. I don't want Farmer H trying to walk down there. He might take a tumble, and there's no phone reception down in the gully.

I guess for now, we'll assume that the cabins are fine.


Rae said...

I do hope they are just good kids trying to cool off. A town in Minnesota just had, I think 5 fire hydrants, opened fully and dispensed millions of gallons of water throughout the area, lowering water pressure and putting the whole community at risk if there had been a fire. This happened once before but with just one fire hydrant. They are referring to them at vandals, but they also said if it was teenagers, the parents would be also held accountable. Idle hands....Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's what we're hoping. Just visiting kids cooling off in the creek. Surely it's too hot to vandalize a cabin or two! The heat index is over 100! Temps in mid-90s, and very humid. I feel bad for city kids in the heat. At least here, they just trespass and get into creeks. We have fire hydrants in town, but the only one I've seen open was by a guy in a city truck.

River said...

Perhaps on one of The Pony's visits, he could take a walk down there with Farmer H just to check on the cabins.

Hillbilly Mom said...

At this moment, they are pulling the cover off POOLIO. I don't want to overtax The Pony on his rare visits to the Mansion. But maybe on the next one... When it's not so hot.